. brown Rice Vs. White Rice

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Brown Rice vs. White Rice

Brown Rice vs. White Rice


At first glance, brown rice has a certain tone brown, as it maintains its bran or bran layer. Its main feature that differentiates white rice is that it has much more fiber than this. It is rice which has been stripped of the outer shell, fibrous and inedible known as husks but retains most of the cuticle or bran covering the grain. It is considered more natural and that their supply of fiber, vitamins and minerals is superior to other foods. In fact, they are properties that are lost by eating polished rice, the popular white rice, considered more stringent than the integral manifold. While global rates of polished white rice consumed outweigh the integral, the fact is that the nutritional value of both is similar and both contain high quality protein. However, they differ in cooking times, much longer in the case of the integral because it is a harder rice. We recommend washing and, better yet, put a few hours to soak. It can be cooked in a pressure cooker or in a casserole lid, which allows you to see when the grain is open, without allowing it to fall apart. It should never be hard because your digestion would be very heavy.

Compared with white rice, the integral is more beneficial to health and nutrition. Both types of rice have the same amount of protein and carbohydrates, and calories. However, the rice is richer in fiber, making it more suitable for people prone to constipation. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, since most of these are lost when husking rice to make rice. In many Asian countries showed a disease called beriberi when substituted for white rice because brown rice is rich in B vitamins, which does not happen with white. Beriberi is characterized by muscle weakness, heart failure, nerve inflammation, clumsiness in the limbs and loss of appetite, may produce death (Geng, 2011). Rice is a valuable energy source. Rich in carbohydrates, provides about 350 calories per 100 gr. These hydrates are transformed into energy to supply the wear that the body has its own metabolism and for the efforts. Furthermore, this type of energy is generated quite rapidly and maintained for a long time, so the body can be satisfied for a few hours after ingestion.

Brown rice is even better than white rice, provides six times more magnesium than white, four times more vitamin E, fiber and phosphorus triple half plus potassium and about three or four times the vitamins of group B (Donna, 2005).

Significance of Rice Diet

A diet rich in rice may be perfectly appropriate for people who have excess weight and decide to make weight loss program. Its low fat content, it's high in potassium and low sodium ratio makes it ideal for removing excess water from the body and assist in those regimes that want to lose weight. In this case must take into account the caloric properties of rice, ...
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