Brochure Representation & Legal Issues

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Advertising Company on the Legal Effect of the Representations in the Brochure

Advertising Company on the Legal Effect of the Representations in the Brochure


Advertising is a growing phenomenon. Almost all businesses are involved in some sort of advertising ranged from written to viral advertising. Nowadays, both large and small companies find it appropriate and beneficial to outsource advertising, which has resulted in a rapid increase of advertising firms. Being an employee of advertising company, I have asked to review a holiday package brochure and highlighted the legal issues related to the brochure.


Key Information

Brochure is basically a small pamphlet or the booklet that contains holiday information and promotional material. The brochure of Saga Holidays (Appendix A) is an informational leaflet advertising the holiday package offered by the company. This brochure communicates essential and basic information about holiday package in a simple but attractive manner to attract potential customer by providing basic information about holiday packages.

Saga Holidays brochure provides information about holiday packages they are offering to their target customers. The brochure includes information about destinations, motels, hotels, outlets, attractive places, price and discount. This also includes or describes a class or program that the company is offering to its customer (Ashworth & Goodall, 2012).

The brochure of Saga Holidays is quite comprehensive and detailed which has an attractive and persuasive cover page, along with information about holiday locations, attractive places at different countries, local flights, airport lounges, hotels, handy checklist of holiday destinations, precautionary health and vaccinations, temperatures details of holiday destinations, discounts and benefits, reservation and booking conditions, price guarantees, special offers, age qualifications, delay coverage, insufficient bookings, operational ad-hoc services, exchange rates, travel advice, health formalities, mobility and assistance, mobility and assistance, data protection, travel insurance, and procedure of booking.

Package using the Principles of Contract Law

In Australia, contract law offers protection to clients against illegitimate conduct of advertising firms, which they do either deliberately or unintentionally. Contract law includes any regulations or laws directed toward putting in force certain promises. Common law regulates contract law in Australia; however, gradually statutes are supplementing the contract's common law; especially, as regards to protection of consumers (Lockhart, 2005).


A representation can be defined as a statement or account of arguments, allegations or facts. Representation presents everything from its current to past status. According to Law dictionary of Black, representation is define as a factual presentation, either by conduct or words made to persuade a person to act, in particular to entering into an agreement (Christensen, Duncan & Walsh, 2004).

Statements of pre-contractual that comprise “terms” also include representations. In few cases, representations are not aimed to be promissory, and thus, do not include terms of the contract. In contrast, these representations must prove wrong and false, the consumer to whom the company was directed can have remedies available under statute or common law. False representation induced a contract at common law; the representee can be able to withdraw the ...
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