Brave New World

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Brave New World


In the innovative "Brave New World" civilized humanity inhabits in a world of research and technology. Major changes have appeared during the future; Utopia now revolves a religion of drugs and sex. God and the traverse have been restored by Ford and the symbol T, the founder of the age of machines. Instead of Sunday church, members now join solidarity services where principles and tradition are not wise, but rather belief is educated in the conviction of hallucinations made by a matter renowned as "soma." Soma has effectively restored the conviction in a higher being by its elimination of problems and tension producing in a need of imagination, creativity, or "soul." Yet belief can still be discovered in today's society because of man's extending need for answers to inquiries that cannot be explained by science or technology.

At first, somebody will brush aside the notions, concepts and predictions of this book as a silly fiction and the result of Huxley's absurd imagination. However, one should gaze at his development of his Brave New World more nearly to glimpse its feasibility. As Mustapha Mond stated, expertise and life sciences were making fast advancements, as they are in the present day today. These advancements in Huxley's humanity initiated breaches in nations, religious and various assemblies of persons because of the lesson, political and technical standards they epresented. finally, one arrives to the 9 Years War in A.F. (after Ford) 141 along with the large Economic Collapse. What was left was a alternative between world control and destruction. Liberalism was destroyed throughout the war, but the managers of the time recognized things could no longer be finished by force. So, the Brave New World and communal stability was born.

Contextual Analysis

Have you ever marvelled how your life would be living in a world in which humans did not have any individuality? How would life in that world exist? People would be born from check tubes, not understanding what a family is, and could be a clone of 96 other equal beings. Most people would neither desire neither enjoy this lifestyle. Imagine being a mindless working drone who only understands their job. This is the world from the innovative, Brave New World, written by Aldous Huxley in the early 1930s. Some persons believe that the world we live in today portions some likeness to the status of Huxley's fictional world. One likeness of the two worlds is the use of pharmaceuticals to “fix all problems.” People in our world take drugs to make they feel better, or fix a problem in their body. Some of the most widespread pharmaceuticals utilised in our world today are painkillers and marijuana. persons in our world use these drugs the identical way the persons of audacious New World use “Soma.” Soma is a pharmaceutical taken by the persons of Brave New World to put them in “Soma Land.” “Soma Land” is a location in which your mind escapes from your body to rest you. On the other ...
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