Brand Ethos

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Brand Ethos

Brand Ethos


“Double FF by Fanny Fong” is a new brand launching soon. My approach collection, which is a conceptual collection named “Guide to Fantaisie”. This collection is about escapism and fantasy - taking people to another world - “A whole new world”. A magical and fantasy world created by my imagination. A World that makes you abandons your sorrow and escape from the realism. You will see fresh guides live in this imaginative world, which leads you to this fantasy land. You will experience different creatures and they will bring and fashion enjoyment to you.

My inspiration mainly comes from clowns in the circus. We all know that the circus is a place, where you will only experience joy, jokes, cheerfulness, a place where does not exist any grieves or sorrows. No matter what age group you belong to, whether you are a young child, teenagers, adults or elderly, this place fit in for every people. A circus is also a place that brings adults and elderly back to their unforgettable memory of their childhood. This is a place that welcomes everyone along with different games and performances ahead of you. This is the reason why I choose circus as my staring point. There is blissful atmosphere everywhere in this place; the clowns are hilarious, silly, playful and mischievous. Aside from the clowns, music also plays a vital role to make people feel happy and relaxed. In this collection, I try to create a clown that you will only see in my imagination, perhaps not only clowns, also creatures that you have never seen in the reality. At this point, I also watched an imaginative movie like Alice in Wonderland, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, Charlie and the chocolate factory, The Spiderwick of Chronicles and also Fantasia from Disney to get those imaginative and magical ambiance and elements, the other reason was to explore much more from the unbelievable and unpredictable elements. It is because those movies always give people a room to think of something that has never happened and things that never exist. In this collection, the silhouette will mainly base on round, big and exaggerate shape, since circus is like performances.

I aim to emphasis the shape of a ball as the major shape and details for this collection. Different types of balls used and present in different ways to keep the audience's eyes bright and flashing. For example, balls are wrapping with different colours of fabric like pore mesh, they either put inside of the garment or on the top of the garment, to create a remarkable detail. Lots of hand craft technique are part in this collection, for the reason that all the fabric warped in balls are handmade, along with the massive ball shape, in between light balls added to mix with the ordinary fabric warped balls. To bring out the idea of a guide, which leads people to the imaginative world from their unhappiness and worries, and the light balls, which represent ...
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