Book Report: The Eternal War A Psychological Perspective On The arab-Israeli Conflict By A.J. Abraham

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Book Report: The Eternal War a Psychological Perspective on the

Arab-Israeli Conflict by A.J. Abraham

Book Report: The Eternal War a Psychological Perspective on the

Arab-Israeli Conflict by A.J. Abraham


Arab-Israeli conflict has been a problem for the Arabs and Jews for many years. There have been various attempts to resolve these problems, and to assist in resolving these problems, various scholars and historians have major contribution. They have provided their assistance through analyzing various factors and causes for the conflicts which are the grounds for the tension. Historical studies reveal that these problems and conflicts have been started since the biblical times, and the major reason for the problems is religion and struggle to protect their holy homeland. A number of different books and research material have been provided to guide and assist the historians, politicians, theologians and to the scholars of different fields to provide assistance regarding the problems with Arab-Israeli conflict. One of the major contributions was made by Antoine J. Abraham.

In his book, “The Eternal War a Psychological Perspective on the Arab-Israeli Conflict”, Abraham not only addressed the historical perspectives of these conflicts, but also highlighted the concerns associated with social and psychological perspectives of this “Eternal War” (Abraham, 2011). This book is based on providing detailed analysis for the ideologies of these wars based on psychological aspects. This book not just traced historical events related to the Zionism and problems related with Jews and Arabs struggles for Palestine, but also followed its conflict and problems in the modern day Israel. This book also deals with the measures taken by The United Nations, and role of America to deal with the problem of Palestine (Abraham, 2011). The major success of this book is that it also leads to the plan that can help Arabs and Israelis to achieve peace.

Thesis Statement

“The Eternal War a Psychological Perspective on the Arab-Israeli Conflict” is a most comprehensive book by A.J. Abraham, which not only traced the historical aspects, but also deals with the psychological perceptions, which helps to assist these conflicts in modern times and provide a plan for eternal peace.


Antoine J. Abraham is working as a professor at New York Institute of Technology and John Jay College (CUNY) ( Hr is a scholar and has command on the subject of Middle Eastern History and the third world. He had published many books on the related topics; “The Eternal War a Psychological Perspective on the Arab-Israeli Conflict” is another excellent effort on his field of study that proves his expertise on the subject, not only from the historian's perspectives, but also as a psychoanalyst. Antoine J. Abraham had also experience of working as consultant to government, international agencies, and organizations ( His work experience, teaching and rich knowledge provided him an opportunity to deal with the political, religious, and historical matters associated with such a complex subject matter, such as Arab-Israeli conflict. There have been centuries that these conflicts are never resolved. After brief discussion of past history dealing ...