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Methods of Altering Cellular Activity

Methods of Altering Cellular Activity


Steroid hormones are generally all derivatives of cholesterol. All steroid hormones are made up of the uniform atomic number system and cyclopentanophenanthrene ring as is found in cholesterol, with vitamin D being the only exception. The process of altering 21-carbon steroid hormones and C27 cholesterol comprises limiting of rate, permanent cleavage of a 6-carbon remains of cholesterol which produces pregnenolone and isocaproaldehyde. Steroid hormones have a variety of common names around the world but the systematic and technical nomenclature is also gaining recognition and awareness as it is essential to have an understanding of both kinds of names. For example, 21 carbon atom steroids are commonly known as pregananes. For steroids of 18 and 18 carbon atom the common names are estranes and androstanes respectively.

Steroid hormones of all forms produce their effects in a similar manner by passing through plasma membrane and connecting to intracellular receptors. For thyroid hormones, the method of producing effects is also similar as they too connect with intracellular receptors. The complexes of thyroid and steroid hormone receptors produce their effects by combing in certain nucleotide patterns in the DNA of the gene. These patterns of DNA are known as hormone response elements or HREs. The combination or connection of steroid receptors with DNA results in an altered rate of dictation in the gene (Makin, 1984, pp. 29).


Glucocorticoids are a classification of hormones which have been given the name as a basically responsible for modulation of carbohydrate mechanism. Of all the Glucocorticoids, cortisol is most essential form that occurs naturally. Cortisol is amalgamated in the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex. When cortisol is injected into the bloodstream, it begins to produce to produce protein. A minute fraction of cortisol goes to connect with albumin. Of this small percentage, 70 percent is bounded by a certain glycosylated a-globulin known as transcortin or corticosteroid-connecting globulin or (CBG). About 5 to 10 percent of this cortisol circulates freely and is biologically active. Glucocorticoid mechanism is employed after cellular uptake and connection with intracellular receptors. Coritsol slows down uptake and consumption of glucose which results in a rise in levels of glucose in blood. The effects of cortisol on glucose levels in blood are enhanced further due to the increase in breakdown of adipose tissue triglycerides and skeletal muscle protein which releases substrates and energy to support gluconeogenesis. Glucocorticoids are help helpful in increasing the rate of synthesis in gluconeogenic enzymes. With the increase in the rate of metabolism, there is an increase in the introduction urea cycle enzymes and urinary nitrogen excretion (Eltze, 2009, pp. 45).

Moreover, along with the metabolic capabilities of glucocorticoids, they are also anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive. Thus, they are being prescribed by physicians to treat acute inflammatory disorders through drugs. The anti-inflammatory nature of these hormones comes into action partially by the slowing down of pshopholipase activity (PLA2) with a resulting decline in the exertion of arachidonic acid from membrane ...
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