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The beauty is an abstract concept related to many aspects of human existence. This concept is studied mainly by the philosophical discipline of aesthetics, but it is also addressed in part by other fields (history, sociology, psychology, art). Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy that aims to study the essence and perception of beauty. More formally defined it as "science that deals with beauty and critical theory and philosophy of art." Aesthetics is a young discipline, it is the science that studies and investigates the systematic source of pure feeling and manifestation, which is the art, according to Kant rests in his "Critique of Judgment (Donald, 80)." We can say that science is primarily concerned with is the reflection on the problems of art. If aesthetics is the philosophical reflection on art, one of his problems is the value that is contained in the form of cultural expression, and although a number of different sciences to address the work of art, aesthetics just philosophically analyze the values are contained therein. We can say that art is raised by the man and his feelings. We chose the theme of beauty for this paper because we find the philosophical interest that could have this tema.


Beauty is commonly defined as the characteristic of a thing through a sensory experience (perception) provides a feeling of pleasure or a sense of satisfaction in this sense, the beauty comes from such events such as the shape, the visual aspect, the movement, the sound.


The most influential philosophical definition of beauty in the modern era is probably of Immanuel Kant. This authoritative work is his Critique of Judgment (1790). Here Kant defined beauty as the object of a specific activity of the judgment: the judgment of taste or aesthetic judgment. Aesthetic judgments are based on Kant on private, subjective feelings of pleasure or dislike, the pleasure or pain. In this respect one might think, just be nice, what is personally pleasing to us. Kant notes, however, one difference can not argue about what is pleasant, because everyone feels anything but pleasant and will admit it (Roland, 1). Aesthetic judgments are indeed subjective origin; however, they are nevertheless entitled to universal validity - who judges the beauty of an object, claiming at the same time, to reach a verdict, the other would agree. Beauty is subjective, therefore the claim universality. Unlike on the pleasant can be about beauty and taste quite reasonable dispute because each taste judgment presumes to judge the feelings of others with.

The basis of this argument is the distinction between the good, the agreeable and the beautiful. The good thing is something on which we have a motivated interest - it makes a difference to us whether something is good or not. Also at the pleasure we are interested because the sensation of pleasure is desirable for us (and we avoid what is unpleasant). The good, the beautiful and the agreeable are based on our subjective sensation of pleasure, of pleasure, in contrast to ...
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