Baroque And Renaissance Styles

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Baroque and Renaissance Styles

Baroque and Renaissance Styles


The history of art is full of various different eras that have one way or the other left their marks on several different domains of the field. However, the two most distinct and famous eras in the history of art are known as The Baroque and the Renaissance eras. In fact, some of the renowned artists have been known to produce some of the most praised wonders of art in these eras. It is important to note that both of these eras of art hold an important position in the history Europe. Of the two, the art style that was first introduced was the Renaissance, which had its origin way back in 1400s. On the other hand, later in 1600s originated the Baroque era, which then remained the most pre-dominant era of art for some time.


The argument between the supporters of the two art styles of which era is better may never end. However, the fact that is widely acknowledged is that irrespective of the number of differences between the two styles, the Baroque art came as a reactive form of art to the Renaissance art style or era.

The baroque art was originated during the era when the two major sects of the Roman Christians that include Protestants and Catholics were having major disagreements. This is perhaps the reason why era reflects several religious-political events of this region. However, besides this subject, many of the art masterpieces belonging to the Baroque-dominated era can be known as the recreated or rejuvenated versions of the most praised art masterpieces that belonged to the Renaissance period (Bailey, 2009). Therefore, both the two styles of art posses many similarities.

The best way to differentiate between the two art styles is to through the help of a subject ...
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