Assignment 3

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Assignment 3

Assignment 3

What roles might you find within the rooms division of a hotel?

The rooms division has an important role in the operations of a hotel. The roles of the rooms division might include the financial responsibility, human resource satisfaction, security services, relationships with the guests, and other associated services provided by the hotel. The rooms division ensures that the guests receive services as per their expectations. This department generates more revenue, in comparison to the other departments. The front office and housekeeping department lie under the domain of rooms division (Sigala et. al. 2005, p. 61). The Rooms division department has a role associated with the guests, profit contribution and organizational revenue.

What are the main personal and technical qualities required by a hotel receptionist?

The hotel receptionists are responsible for effectively dealing with the guests for making reservations, and other services provided by the hotel. They must cater the queries and satisfy the needs of the guests. The hotel receptionist must have the following qualities:

Effective communication skills

Appealing personality

Highly responsive to the queries

Must show concern


High level of tolerance

Use of variety of technical equipments and machinery (hardware)

Must know the basic level skills related to the information systems implemented, or the software used in the organization (specifically word processors, database software, etc) (Lewis et. al. 2004, p. 06)

Describe what is meant in practice by the term “good customer care” skills.

“Good customer care” skills are the ones present in the human resource personnel of the hotel, focused to effectively serve the guests and highly satisfy them. This includes the level of concern and kindness shown for the guests, dedicated to provide them with more than expectations. The good customer skills make the customers feel valued (Cook 2010, p. 03). For example, a customer is not satisfied with the services and plans to never avail the services again, but the good customer care by the personnel can retain and leaves a positive impact on the customer.

Describe the key attributes of good housekeeping staff.

The housekeeping staff comes under the domain of Rooms division and needs to hold potential attributes. It is one of the most important departments and must possess the following attributes:

Confidence and willingness to take the responsibility

Capability to effectively provide solutions for the problems

Proper maintenance and attention towards the tasks

Must own their responsibilities and take pride of it


Effective communication skills

Capability to work as a team

In what way or ways is reception involved with other operational areas in a large 4 star hotel?

The reception or receptionist is the center of communication, involved in the collaboration with different departments. The reception is directly involved with the reservations processes and the check in and checks outs of the guests. Along with it, the reception ensures the arrival of guests, and the appropriate changes required in the reservations. The guests directly collaborate with the receptionists. Therefore they are involved in the maintenance of updated information and reports. The receptionists also coordinate with the housekeeping staff to effectively manage their work and provide them with ...
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