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Answer 1

The issue described in case in based on Ethical Dilemma. The three people involved in the case are Intern (I), Ice Man, and Deputy District Attorney (DDA) named Tom Jones. DDA Jones has given me the task of monitoring all incoming arrest and crime reports to ascertain if these probationers have been involved in any further criminal activity that would result in revocation of their probation and possible criminal trial. At various occasions, I observed that DDA is involved in various unusual events which are based on unethical and mysterious activities. DDA has hidden relationships with the criminal groups which are helping him getting a musical contract for his daughter.

I also found that Ice Man was arrested for possession of cocaine, felon in possession of a firearm, and attempted rape. When I gave this information to DDA Jones, the DDA stated, "boy this is going to take some time to straighten out."

Answer 2

Responsible decision making is vital in a complex world. The sensitivity of this is that leaders must lead by ethical dilemmas in business situations where usually they have to make tough decisions in an atmosphere of interests and conflicts. There could be various alternatives to solve this ethical dilemma. For example:

Have I define the problem in a timely manner?

Identification of the problem, by formulating a question that refers to an ethical problem.

If I were the other party, how would I define the situation?

How the problem arose? I will consider the history, problems and symptoms.

I will define my position on who should I respond and approach for supporting me as a person or as a member of the organization.

I will briefly define my homework about everyone involved in this case. For example: personal duties vs. Standards and organizational policies.

Determining my level of intention in making ...