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Assignment #1

1. Analyse the impact of previous life experiences on children who are looked after?

When a child speaks of a past life memory, the effects ripple far. At the center is the child, who is directly healed and changed. The parents standing close by are rocked by the truth of experience, a truth powerful enough to dislodge deeply entrenched beliefs. For observers removed from the actual event, even those just reading about it, reports of a child's past life memory can jostle the soul toward a new understanding. Children's past life memories have the power to change lives. The impact of abuse and neglect on children is often discussed in terms of their physical, psychological, social and behavioural problems. The main concern is that all these behavioral problems are interrelated i.e. a child with a physical problem is most likely to experience psychological and social problems, as well. A physical consequence, such as damage to the developing brain of a child, can result in emotional difficulties. Similarly, anxiety can make a person more likely to smoke, or influence the person to use alcohol or drugs. High-risk behaviours, in turn, can cause physical problems and long-term health issues, such as obesity, cancer and sexually transmitted diseases. The impact of the previous life experiences on children, are as follows (Sayer, 2008, pp. 6-20):

Abandonment or physical neglect is defined as "situations where the physical needs'" of food, clothing, hygiene, protection and monitoring in situations potentially dangerous, education and / or medical care and the basic cognitive needs of the children are not served temporarily or permanently at the foster care homes. The definition focuses on very evident on the needs of child that are not covered and not so much on the possible behaviours of the care takers. The harm or neglect that may appear for the child would be:

Food: Not providing adequate food and the children are hunger deprived.

Clothing: The children are not well protected from the weather conditions and proper clothing is not provided.

Hygiene: Keeping the children in dirty and having poor hygiene conditions.

Medical care: physical or medical needs are not served or absence of routine medical care.

Supervision: a child who spends long periods of time without the monitoring and supervision of an adult clearly faces domestic accidents due to negligence by the caregivers of children.

Apart from all the above mentioned harm and factors of negligence, further issues of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. For its part, the term necessary to investigate how these situations are being addressed by extending this research attention to cases of child abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse and emotional among others, in these foster homes.

In some cases, physical effects are temporary and disappear soon, but the pain and suffering last for lifetime. Shaking a baby is a very common type of abuse. A baby may show no apparent damage, but a shock can cause bleeding in the brain or eye, damage to the spine, neck, ribs or bone ...
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