Assignment 1 - Business Case

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Assignment 1 - Business Case

Executive Summary3


Business Objective4

Its Benefit to the Community5

Expected Outcomes5

Performance Measurement5

Current Situation and Market Opportunities6

Market Analysis6

Current Market Trend6

Market for the Project6

SWOT Analysis6





Output Analysis7

Summary of the Market in Relation to SWOT Analysis7

Specific Target Market8

Project Requirement8

Budget Estimation and Financial Analysis8

Cost of the Project8

ROI and Payback Duration9

Risk Assessment9

Schedule Estimation11

Project Schedule11

Major Milestones11



Executive Summary

This paper principally elucidates upon a business case, which is catering to the sponsorship of Charles Darwin University. The business, which is proposed in this paper, is Picture Post Card Publication. This is a quite cost effective venture and fulfills the requirements of the sponsorship. The business has deep link with the local community as it provide them insight of the undiscovered Australia, and also helps in promoting tourism in Australia. Furthermore, an extensive business case is elaborated in the following paper.

The business has various strengths and opportunities, which are considerably a positive point for the venture. However, there are few threats which can be addressed through adequate business management.

The ROI proposed in this case, and the breakeven is also quite adequate considering a small-scale venture. In short, it is an adequate business case for the sponsorship of Charles Darwin University.

Assignment 1 - Preparing a Business Case


This report is principally a business case study in which a business is proposed in order to be sponsored by Charles Darwin University; however, it should fulfill the interest of the community within which it operates. The business, which I am proposing is associated with local knowledge and national interest. The business idea is “Picture Post Cards”. Australia is nevertheless a tourism country, people from all around the world gather on this part of land to experience nature with all extremes. However, the inhabitants of Australia never discovered, or bothered to discover, their own country. This is merely because of the lack of people's knowledge about their own country. Australia is too big to be remembered on finger tips; therefore, in this business case, I am proposing the business of Picture Post Cards, which will not only help in promoting tourism in Australia, but also help inhabitants to learn and discover about their own homeland. In this paper, this business case is thoroughly presented and elaborated upon its feasibility and practicality; however, putting into consideration the limitations and boundaries of the business and sponsorship plan.

Business Objective

Australia is a tourism country; however, its inhabitants themselves are unaware of the natural beauties hidden in the extensive landscape of Australia. To cater this problem, this business is proposed with an objective to spread local knowledge amongst local people, foreigners and tourists about the tourism, history, culture, facts and figures about Australia, which would not only increase their interest but also help local community in getting better knowledge of their country and its hidden natural, historical and cultural aspects that are not disclosed amongst common people.

Its Benefit to the Community

This business would definitely help local communities to get better understanding of the country, it's national, cultural, historical and tourism aspects that are not so common amongst common ...
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