Assessment And Evaluation In Instructional Design Process

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Assessment and Evaluation in instructional Design Process

Assessment and Evaluation in instructional Design Process


This indivisual assignment will be usefull in defining the relevant difference between assessment and evaluation. It starts with the basic difnitions of assessment and evaluation and their difference in purpose. Followed by close examination of summative assessment ans formative assessment. In contrats to this Summative evaluation and formative evaluation is also specifically diffrentated with the help of ana example. In the end the assessment and evaluation are thoroughly reflected upon the instructional design process.

Definition of Assessment Assessment can be defined as a process involved in student learning "which may be followed by every educational curriculum" Plomba and Banta (1999). Hence allows reviewand reflection of students educational practices in a more organized manner, providing students with an environment where they would be continually learning and improving. Assessment revolves around all the activities that teachers use to make students learn these activities consists of formal and informal feedback through teacher and peer interaction e.g. teachers comments or other self assessment systems, opportunities to practice skills taught in class through live term assignments and projects. The assessment, process starts from the very beginning of a student's educational life cycle, beginning with the admission test where assessment provides information that what a student already knows and can do. This helps an instructor decide what needs to betaught and revised in class and allocate class material and lectures accordingly.

Definition of Evaluation

Evaluation is "on the other hand" a process which takes place at a later stage of an educational journey to assess whether the students have successfully been able to grasp the curriculum taught to them in class, though this evaluation is appropriate on teachers, students as well as employees in their pre hiring stage. This process is very essential for any institution whether educational or revenue generating to measure the level of understanding and capacity in terms of educational background a candidate may have. Evaluation takes place on various levels of a students capability starting from skills (writing, soft, technical and analytical), attitude, training and experience and effectiveness.

Purposes of Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment has many purposes, but the most relevant objective of it is to develop the student's learning and development by stimulating learning and improvising, rather than only to allocate grade to a student's performance. This is achieved through continuous improvement in the learning process through regular feedback, revision of curriculum and creating opportunities for learning through word reports and projects. It can also be used for selecting students for a selected program in a university or a job position. Then there is certification where assessment maybe required certifying that a student has achieved a desired level.

Evaluation likewise assessment also has several purposes "which are often regarded as very significant in academics". "Since evaluation is more of effects or product oriented its purpose is to monitor student progress". Reinforce desired results with the help of grading which implicates that whether the student is going to go to the next level of ...
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