Art History

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Art History

Art History


Art history includes the history of mankind, from the ancient times to the twenty-first century. Art history became apparent as a regulation that trains in illustrating people how to interpret and evaluate art, established on their own personal aspect. It has generally been a debatable issue for its subjectivity because the explanation of what is admirable changes from person to person. It needs an individual to study and define what he sees in terms of colour, value, design, shape and texture. It has said by Claude Monet “It's on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly”.

Manchester Art Gallery

Saturday 27 April 2013 - Sunday 13 October 2013

The Art Gallery is a part of an association of several galleries and museums in Manchester. This gallery is one of the most well-known and attractive cultural destination, attracting more than 400,000 visitors each year. This particular art gallery has achieved several awards and also has emerged to develop a position for its noted excellent services in the nation. The Art Gallery consist several highly important, attractive and embellishing art works of the city. Their excellent collection covers over six centuries till the present time and are especially renowned for their 19th century British paintings. The visitors are privileged to enjoy a diverse program of exhibitions in the gallery and are attracted to visit the premises. The Manchester Art Gallery offers several facilities to its visitors, creating a good image and increasing their interest to see the high quality work.


The exhibition contained the art work of several famous artists, depicting messages about the art history.

Wyndham Lewis

The artist (1882-1957) was a famous painter and author of his time. He was also a co-founder of the Vorticist movement and the editor of a magazine (BLAST). The artist's work included the pre-World war era and the Human age. In 1917, he was elected as an official war artist for the British and Canadian governments. In World War I, he served as an artillery officer at the front and produced some memorable paintings and drawings of the battle field. He wrote his first novel in 1915 which was published 3 years after. After the war Wyndham Lewis became popular for his writing as he was very keen about it, and spent much of his time writing. Even after being well known for his writings he ...
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