Applied Ethics Just War Theory

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Applied Ethics Just War Theory


Justice theories are used for the systematic determination of what justice is and the grounds of justice in a social order to be effective. Deals with theories of justice are especially philosophy, economics and sociology. Justice theories have normative character. They deal with the issue from the point, what is justice definition, and how justice can be made. Empirical evidence to justice, however, is derived from the results of research on justice. The meaning of the term violence is understood in different ways.

In this paper, I will argue that manifestation of violence may be legitimatized but the theorists have always focused on conveying the positive side of humanity and protecting the rights of an individual. This aspect will be conveyed by first discussing the historical approach of legitimate violence and then we will discuss the theories of Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Scheler and Immanuel Kant.

Thesis Statement

Theorists in modern days have supported the humanistic side of reforming legitimate violence.


Both the historical customs, as the laws of different nations often stand in stark contrast to our modern ideas and moral concepts. Often legitimize violence, arbitrary power of one over another, slavery, inequality. There is no shortage of historical societies except the killing of a wide variety of reasons, especially taking into slavery and human trafficking (Bedau, pp. 246). Various cruel practices towards people and animals have recently been legally sanctioned by most societies. If you seemed to be fair, it is because every society strongly believes that its customs and laws are not arbitrary, but as it should be. People attribute so their value systems, normative morality, ruthlessness, and even universal, but did not mean that they manage to achieve, over the differences of cultures, an agreement on the justice. Today, however, has shown some signs ...
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