Appearance Vs. Reality

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Appearance vs. Reality

Appearance vs. Reality


In this paper appearance and reality has been discussed and the question asked by Bertrand Russell has been highlighted, which is, “Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain no reasonable man could doubt it?” furthermore, the way in which the two philosophers named Hume and Descartes would have responded to the question have also been discussed. However, first the theories presented by the philosophers have been put forward after which their responses have been analyzed and explanation of my opinion has also been mentioned.


Appearance and Reality

With regards to this concept, it can be said that the real appearance differs from reality at certain times. This is because at times there are cases in which an individual behaves in a different manner on the face of an individual, however, in his mind he plans something else which may be unfavorable. Therefore, it can be said that appearance may differ from the reality which is true.

Theories and Responses of Hume and Descartes


Hume was one of the leading representatives of British empiricism. His rationalism was clear and it applied the scientific method to study the human spirit, analyzing mental processes with a model similar or comparable to that used by Newton for the analysis of physical phenomena. The basic elements or "atoms" are here perceptions (impressions and simple ideas) that relate spontaneously to each other under the laws of association of ideas (like, spatial and temporal contiguity, and causation). Like all ideas derived from impressions, cannot speak, as did the rationalists, of “innate ideas.” According to Hume, the impressions are from unknown causes (Paley, 2002).

Perceptions - These are basic elements or primitive activity of the spirit, which is precisely relate.

Impressions - These are the perceptions are lively and intense and can come from external ...
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