Answer The Following Question, Analysing Media Resources (For Example; Newspapers, Magazines, Television Reports, Etc.) To Help Illustrate Your Answer:

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Answer the following question, analysing media resources (for example; newspapers, magazines, television reports, etc.) to help illustrate your answer:

Answer the following question, analysing media resources (for example; newspapers, magazines, television reports, etc.) to help illustrate your answer:


The trend of sponsoring the sports events has become a charming method of creating brand awareness among the consumers for a couple of years. Interest is growing in sponsorship as companies with researchers in management science. This growth can be explained by the globalization of markets and communication networks, commoditization of products, the primacy the brand equity and the plethora of advertisements for consumer increasingly sophisticated (Derbaix et al., 1994). Companies must develop new methods to seduce their targets. Sponsorship has the advantage of exploiting interest's socio-cultural audiences. In 2004, the global market for sponsorship is more than 30 billion and is expected to surpass the 45 billion euros in 2006, according to the study Sponsor Click performed with the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA). The share of Sports sponsorship is predominant (27.3 billion euros) because sport is field of major concern in most countries, such as the figures of audience sporting events (e.g. France, the 5 largest television audiences in 2004 were carried out by retransmissions football game). We focus here sports sponsorship as part of a tennis tournament. Despite the importance of the issues, understanding the mechanisms operating sponsorship of sports and its influence on the attitudes and intentions of spectators remain partially unknown (Walliser, 2003). As a result, most practitioners simply count the number of exposures to the brand (Thjomoe et al., 2002). If this method is required to compare an investment in a traditional advertising investment in sponsorship activity, it does not include influence processes sponsorship. Today, corporate sponsors, in addition to the goal of awareness, hope to act on attitudes and purchase intentions towards the brand (Walliser, 2003). They pay more attention to the choice of the event that best convey the brand values which the hearing will conform to the heart of target. We review the concept of sponsorship and research on its effectiveness. Based on this literature, we make several assumptions about the effects of a merger on sports sponsorship awareness, attitudes and intention purchase the brand sponsor, as well as moderating variables sensitivity sponsorship sports.

Definition and Purpose of Sponsorship

There is no generally accepted definition of sponsorship (Walliser, 2003). According Derbaix et al (1994), "Sponsorship is a technique that is, for any organization, or create an event directly support socio-culturally independent of itself and in joining to achieve the objectives of Marketing communication ". In Anglo-Saxon literature sponsorship includes not only the combination of a company with the event but also the entire operating marketing of this association (Cornwell and Maignan, 1998). The objectives of sponsorship are heterogeneous. The company may seek to increase its visibility, improved attitudes, motivation of its staff or reconciliation with partners ...