Annotated Bibliography And Rhetorical Analysis: Whether Could Music Influence People's Mood?

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Annotated Bibliography and Rhetorical Analysis: Whether Could Music Influence People's Mood?

Avramova, Yana R., Diederik A. Stapel, and Davy Lerouge. "Mood and context-dependence: Positive mood increases and negative mood decreases the effects of context on perception." Journal of personality and social psychology 99.2 (2010): 203

In the above article, the authors discuss that the music is one of the key tools humans use to relax and enjoy, and is scientifically proven to have direct influence on our mood and our quality of life. Furthermore, authors reveal that studies have shown that music directly affects people, both positively and negatively, with immediate and lasting results. Given the positive effects of music, many scientists argue that favorable changes in the brains of people who listen take place as a result of music. All people perceive music differently and there is a suitable style for each of us, depending on how we feel. We can easily associate a song or musical style with our mood, and recognize when a song seems happy or sad.

Similarly, all the authors agree on the point that children who receive music education seem to have better language, social skills and coordination. The music helps the brain apparently to develop and create neural connections that otherwise would not exist, and this can be done by increasing its capacity.

Ezarik, Melissa M. "How Music Affects Your Moods." Current Health, 2001: 17-9

Ezarik discusses that currently we live in a world, where music is an essential part of our daily life. Music is a way to express feelings, opinions and ways of thinking of the performers through the melodies, the lyrics, and rhythm. It influences the people who listen to that make them feel excited. Ezarik says that the effects of music on behavior have been evident since the beginning of mankind. Throughout history, human life has been complemented and influenced by music, which have been attributed to a number of functions. This has been a means of expression and nonverbal communication and, because of their emotional and motivational effects. Music has been used as a tool of manipulation and control of the behavior of groups and individuals.

Harper, Bridgette D., Elizabeth A. Lemerise, and Sarah L. Caverly. "The effect of induced mood on children's social information processing: Goal clarification and response decision." Journal of abnormal child psychology 38.5 (2010): 575-586

Harper has revealed in their research that if a person hears only sad music, it is highly likely that this feeling begins to dominate. Music transmits tranquility, happiness, anger and any emotion depending on the situations. In a moment of sadness, our body can feel attraction to music that best demonstrate this state of mind, which will lead to an exaltation of feeling. We may also use this principle as a way to enter a new feeling. It is very likely that if a person feels low mood and sad, and decides to listen to upbeat music and energetic, this emotion begins to become contagious.

Moreover, all researchers of this article stressed on the fact that ...