The Use of Forensic Psychology in Determining the Validity of Syndrome Evidence: Is It A Viable Defense or Simply an Excuse?
Biggers, J. R. BS., (2003), A Dynamic Assessment of the Battered Woman Syndrome and its Legal Relevance, Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice Vol. 3(3) 2003, Data retrieved from EBSCOhost
The article discusses some legal and psychological implications of the battered women killing their partners. The study discusses how battered women syndrome can cause the legal decisions to change on the basis of forensic evidence. This research article provides enough literature for the intended research on how forensic psychology affects the validity of evidence. Moreover, the article is a rich resource on the use of forensic psychologists in the cases of battered woman syndrome.
Biggers, J. R. BS., (2003), The Utility of Diagnostic Language as Expert Witness Testimony: Shuld Syndrome Terminology Be Used in Battering Cases?, Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice Vol. 5(1) 2003, Data retrieved from EBSCOhost
The article examines the use of diagnostic constructs in the cases, in which women kill their husbands and call it self-defense. In such cases, physical violations are often considered as aftermaths of deprivations by the dominant partners. Courts encounter such cases often and in the case of women. However, the study analyzes employing battered woman syndrome and how the use of language in court cases affects the decisions and opinions of forensic experts.
Chapman, F. E., (2013), Intangible Captivity: The Potential for a New Canadian Criminal Defense of Brainwashing and its Implications for the Battered Woman, Berkley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice, pp. 30-76, Data retrieved from EBSCOhost
This article discusses a unique perspective of the battered woman syndrome and its uses and implications. The article analyzes that how brainwashing in Canadian Criminal Defense causes battered woman to act dependently. It analyzes the violence committed by the battered woman on third parties as a reason of abuse by their partners. It will be a helpful resource to analyze a wide range of topics, while conducting a research.
Eckstein, D., and McDonald, L., (2010), The Battered Woman Syndrome: Counseling Implications, Journal of Education and Sociology, ISSN: 2078 - 032X, March, Data retrieved from EBSCOhost
This research paper is an extremely useful resource, which can be helpful for our study. The objective of the study is twofold. It discusses many key terms, definitions and underlying theories on the issue, which will be helpful in constructing the basis of the research. Furthermore, the study also explores on what counseling implications are there in dealing with battered woman cases.
Vermont Law Review, (2009), Confronting Our Fear: Legislating Beyond Battered Woman Syndrome and the Law of Self - Defense in Vermont, Data retrieved from EBSCOhost
The review in this paper is intended to find out the specific legislation in the case of Battered woman syndrome, with a case discussion of Vermont. There are several consequences discussed in this paper, which are more concerned about the legal implications of using battered woman syndrome as validity for self-defense. This review is an effective resource which ...