America's Cuban Conundrum

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America's Cuban Conundrum

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Case Study: America's Cuban Conundrum

Analyze the key issue that prompted the EU to take the Helms-Burton dispute to the WTO.Bill Clinton in 1996 signed a pact to protect the rights of Cuban-American , also known as the Helms-Burton Act. The Act was made after Cuban migrants shot down two U.S. civilian airplanes, killing the four Cuban-American who were on board. As American government is very protective against its citizen's security and protection, this made them sign various act in different times for the safety of their nation. The Act represents US strike against Cuba's ongoing war of ideologies and finances. The Helms-Burton act was signed by two senators by the death of two Cuban -American which brings lot of criticism to American government. This act has made EU to step down and intervene because it is causing serious damage to the economic condition in Cuba (Hanson, Batten & Ealey, 2013). This act imposes embargo on Cuba which has adversely to their economy, stopping the revenues generated from tourism which is the most dominant and profitable industry of Cuba in generating the revenue. Secondly it brings negative image of US to the rest of the world Helms-Burton law disrespects as it has reservations for disrespecting the other party sovereignty. The EU take this issue to WTO, as the act of US government is bringing negative affect the international law of trade and imposing other barriers. Analysis This embargo has made many news across the world and opens many facets to the tension between the two countries. This led the EU to take the matter to WTO. According to WTO any country cannot restrict its trade against a particular country (Hanson, Batten & Ealey, 2013).

Decide who benefits and who suffers from an embargo of this type and explain your rationale.

The Cuban trade embargo was passed to shatter the economy of the country which in turn base to ruin the regime of the country. It is observed over the period of many years that this approach has not been fruitful to the country, but in against, it brings bad reputation to the government of US. In my opinion the government of US should lift the ban as it brings many good possibilities to the country (Holmes, 2009). As embargo was impose to affect the elite, but in contrast it does not put any damage to the government officials and poor people suffer the consequences. Other critics argue that sanctions on Cuba are illegal and damage America's international standing and credibility. It is very evident that both the countries suffer but the manner in whchthersffer varies from each other. As one of the country belongs from 1st world and one from 3rd world. Cuban being a third world country suffers greatly in comparison with US (Copeland, Jolly & Thompson , 2011).

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