Advertisements About Cars

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Advertisements about Cars

Advertisements about Cars

Thesis statement

“Advertisements can change consumer perceptions and choices.”


Businesses produce a variety of products and advertise them through various media. These advertisements help the producers to convey specific messages to the audience. This helps them to develop the desired image in front of consumers. Consumers receive various messages through advertisements, and develop different perceptions, which are reflected in their choices for various products.


Toyota Camry 2013

Camry is a Toyota brand in USA, which has been in the country from years. The brand has advertised various aspects of its features in different ads. The ad, which is chosen for this project was aired with the aim of depicting itself as an innovator ( In this ad, the advertiser has focused on the reinvention of the car, and it use by from generations. The ad has focused on the way it has reinvented itself to remain an icon as it has been from years. The slogan that has been used in the ad is,

“An icon always reinvents itself.”

Through this slogan, the company has tried to focus on the features of the car. Although they are not visible in this print ad, the slogan shows that the car has been redesigned and modified to fulfill consumer needs. The interiors of the car could not be seen in this ad however, the exterior design shows that it has been modified and improved. Moreover, the use of the term 'icon' shows that the car has a distinct place in the minds of the consumer, and 'reinvention' of the car refers that it is improving on an ongoing basis to maintain its position.

Honda Accord

Honda accord is another well known brand in the USA car market. The company has used many forms of advertisements. This print ad has a Honda logo at the left corner of the page at the top side while an image of the car at the bottom right side. In the centre, and most prominent is the image of an eye ( If careful analysis is made, in the centre of the eye, we can see the reflection of the car. From this idea, it can be inferred that the company is trying to convey the message that,

“Accord is an eye catching brand”

The company is trying to build its image as an icon that can capture the attention of any viewer. The indirect message that we get from this ad is that anyone who wants to build a superior image in the society should have an accord. Another message that we get from this ad is that the car can be witnessed even if it is miles away from the viewer. This inference is made because the image of the car is very small while that of the eye is very big. This shows that the car is at a great distance from the person and regardless if this distances its reflection of car be seen in the eye. Hence, accord has tried to establish its image as ...
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