Admission Essay

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Admission Essay

Admission Essay

The most important influence that has shaped the person I am today is my skills and abilities. I am a dancer with strong grip on my skills. Dancing has helped me to be a person which I am today. My discipline, dedication, patience, expression, open minded, time management, critical thinking, the great skills that have allowed me to teach pre school aged children. I have a strong belief that there is nothing impossible for me in this world. My family has been an important source of support in all of the decisions I have made, and three basic tenets-good words, good deeds, and good thoughts-have been my guiding principles in life. Not only do I try to do things for others, but I always push myself to be the best that I can be in all aspects of my life. I saw early the doors and opportunities that a good education can open up; thus, I particularly tried hard to do well in school.

I've always believed that the dancing is what determines a person's personalities and qualities, both good and bad. By using the word "dancing", I don't mean the place where the person lives. Contrarily, the dancing which shapes a person is made up of words and behaviors from people around him. In America, we have an old saying that summarizes this concept - "one who stays near vermilion gets stained red, and one who stays near ink gets stained black".

I consider myself one of the "lucky" ones because I've always been able to stay near good vermilion, my parents. Even though my mother used to get angry with me very often, but she always did it for my good. Whenever I watched TV or read comic books without completing my homework, my mother would tell me to do my homework first then do other things. I obeyed most of the time, but sometimes I rebelled and she would get mad and make me obey anyway. Slowly, I rebelled less and the thought of prioritizing became a natural part of me. I would finish what's most important first without anyone telling me to do so.

My father also had a great impact on me. He is one of the most hardworking people I've ever met. Back in America, when he was young and ambitious, he was ready to establish his own road of success. However, all of a sudden, he was assigned to work at a small village just because he didn't have any relations with those who had power. Despite all this bad news, he was determined, from the first day he arrived at the village, to climb out of that hellhole. He did indeed, and even higher than people who had a head start, into the land of America. Now that he has given me a head start than many people, to be able to get educated in this great country, I wouldn't waste it. I would use this opportunity as a stepping stone to reach places ...
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