Admission And Discharge Planning

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Admission and Discharge Planning

Reflective Essay: Admission and Discharge Planning

The patient admission and discharge from a hospital or nursing home are pivotal steps in patient care management. I used this topic on the basis of my experience while I was working at a local hospital. The essay incorporates Gibbs Reflective cycle, to explain the patient admission and discharge from hospitals, and the role of nursing in the process. The reflective essay is used to review and evaluate the topic on the basis of the experience (Oxford Brookes University, 2011). The assignment has taken a case study as its prime focus to describe the topic in detail. In order to protect the patient privacy, the patient is called Mr. S in this document.


Mr. S is 50 years old retired army soldier. He comes to the hospital for regular check up of his hypertension. A week before, he was admitted in the hospital when he was found unconscious in his apartment, by his wife. On assessment, it was revealed that the patient was suffering from dehydration. The patient was admitted in the hospital for three days. Saline rehydration solution was administered and after three, days, the patient was discharged. The patient was readmitted with similar condition, and the nurse in-charge was unable to find previous discharge documentation. The treatment file was found but the discharge history was missing. It took one day to settle the condition while the treatment went on.


Being a student of nursing, I felt ashamed of the factor that the nurse did not properly document the patient's discharge. This incidence took place while I was working in the hospital as an internee nurse in my summer break. As Clavreul, in her article states, the planning of discharge begins right at the admission of the patient (Clavreul, 2013). ...
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