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The research is designed to the history and application of "Reflexology" is based on the idea that each body part is represented on the hands and feet and that pressing on specific areas on the hands or feet may have therapeutic effects in other parts of the body.



Reflexology is a specific pressure technique which works on precise reflex points on the feet and hands with the intention of affecting other parts of the body. The feet and hands are like maps of the body, which correspond to organs and tissues accurately. Reflexology is believed to help relieve stress and muscle tension, improve blood flow and circulation, and promote the release of nervous energy pathways /. Reflexology is designed to put the body in a balanced state of health. Reflexology is for all ages and may convey relief from a broad range of acute and chronic. After completing a course of reflexology sessions for a specific condition, many people are interested in continuing appointments in order to maintain the health and welfare. When stimulated reflexes, natural body works, electric power throughout the nervous system to clear any obstruction in the areas concerned. The pressure applied to any part of an area affect the whole area and can be stimulated to work any reflection in the same area. Manipulating specific reflexes removes stress, activating a parasympathetic (nervous system) response in the body to allow locks to be released by a physiological change in the body. To remove the stress and improves circulation, the body is allowed to return to a state of homeostasis. Homeostasis is the "automatic" process that enters the body to bring it back to "normal" state.


The origins of Reflexology evidently goes back to ancient Egypt as evidenced by inscriptions found in the tomb of doctors in Saqqara, Egypt. The translation of the hieroglyphs is: Do not hurt me. The answer from the pros: - I will act to praise me. We can not determine the exact relationship between the ancient art practiced by the ancient Egyptians and Reflexology as we know it today (Kunz, 78). The different ways of working from the feet to the health effect have been used throughout the ancient world. Dr. Riley maintained that this form of healing spread from Egypt through the Roman Empire. The Theory of the area was the precursor of modern Reflexology which began with Dr. William H. Fitzgerald, MD, whom Dr. Edwin Bowers, MD, encouraged to publish the many articles he had written about the area analgesia. In the preface of his book combined to relieve pain at home published in 1917, wrote, Humanity is awakening to the fact that the disease in a large percentage of cases, it is an error - of body and mind.

How factual this has verified to be. Dr. Fitzgerald was an ear, nose and throat specialist working in the Municipal Hospital of Boston and San Francisco Hospital in Connecticut. He called his work Zone Analgesia where pressure is applied to the corresponding bony eminence or ...
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