Why People Use Drugs When They Play Any Sport

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Why People Use Drugs When They Play Any Sport

Why People Use Drugs When They Play Any Sport


The use of drugs to have been long registered in the history of sports. The use of drugs to enhance performance in sports, which is known as doping, by the organizations that are responsible for the regulation of the competitions. The first International Sporting Federation was IAAF, which became the initial federation to prohibit doping in 1928. By the end of the World War II, it was evident that many athletes, around the multiple of sports were indulging in the use of drugs, to enhance their performance. This practice used widely across the globe, while means to defy them were very limited. During the period of 1960 and 1967, there were largest numbers of death reported of athletes due to doping, where vigorous actions were demanded by the sports authorities (http://publications.gc.ca)

In 1963, doping was first defined by The Council of Europe, which explained it as the use of substance or method that results in the improving of the mental and physical condition of the user unnaturally. The association of danger and documented increase in the death was the initial step for the controlling of doping, which now is less regarded as unethical and cheating.

During the year 1998, numerous incidents reported for the doping around the world, and many nations declared their discontent with the control measures taken regarding doping. However, IOC (International Olympics Committee) called a conference in 1999 in Lausanne, with collaboration from IFs, Government Authorities, athletes and NOC (National Olympics Committees), with the mutual decision was declared for the formation of WADA, which is The World Anti-Doping Agency with the purpose to synchronization, harmonize and strengthen rules and actions of anti-doping all around the world (Campbell, 2000).


Reasons for the Use of Drugs

Athletes undergo immense pressure to surpass in the competition. They are aware that by winning the competition they can obtain more monetary rewards, medals in the national and international championship and fame, since they have limited time to perform and prove themselves to stand out in the crowd of champions. They are aware that training and above the line coaching can lead them to the path of success and victory, but they are also conscious that there are some drugs available in the market that can lead them to the path of success, by boosting their energy and efforts, even knowing that facts that these drugs can risk their career and health, and in some cases can cause death.

Since the time of Ancient Greece, the athletes are eager and enthusiastic to take any step and indulge in extensive preparation that can increase their performance. The usage of drugs in sports increased in 1960s, for which the reason is not yet known. However, there has been the availability of anabolic-androgenic steroids for sale since the period, and the East German government initiated the supplying and consumptions of drugs for their athletes to excel on the international level sports. Where there has been documents ...
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