What It Is To Be A Man?

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What it is to be a man?

What it is to be a man?

It is a common fact that when one discusses problems in relative to natural resources and threats to the international natural environment, one has to recognize that for the first time in the history of soil, one species is habitual of organizing at will the entire biosphere. As early partakers, Sinanthropus, Pittecanthropus, Neanderthalensis or early Sapiens did not suggest any excessive risk neither to the ecosystems neither to the environment. Since then, man has displayed an unparalleled biological success and environmental dominance. But that is a reason to house of human species, when early human species into the biological arena 3 or 4 million years before, they acted as another equitably insignificant environmental connection in the ecosystems.(Callen, 2001)

There has been an explosive development of the human community which has resulted in a transformation of the landscape, eradication of much of the biological diversity, a international alteration of the atmosphere and worsening of high altitude of ozone level, acidification of large areas and the international spread of persistent chemicals like DDT, MPCB. These large scale alterations by human activities barely ever had any equivalent in the history of the earth. Dramatic changes have appeared previously such as after the pretentious time, 65 million years before, when the dinosaurs and the large number of other species past away out. But such ecological disasters were not caused by one single species as the case is today. How this single species of Homo sapiens has came by this environmental dominance? (Callen, 2001)Infact the development of science is another consequence of heritage evolution. The ensnare result can be observed in life expectancy of man as in evaluation to other animals. The British Ornithologist, David Lack saw in ...
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