What Impact Do You Think The “boomers” Will Have On The Next 30 Years In Our Society?

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What impact do you think the “Boomers” will have on the next 30 years in our society?

What impact do you think the “Boomers” will have on the next 30 years in our society?

In Western societies, the main focus of the research on generations has been on the boomer's generation. The baby boomers were born after World War II, mostly between 1945 and 1955. The generation is also sometimes called the sixties generation, after the period of their youth. Mainly in the 1960s, the generation experienced many historical and social shifts, such as a worldwide economic boom, the rise of mass consumption, the creation of the welfare state, the rise of popular culture, sexual liberation, and increasing equality between gender and races, as well as nonmaterial values and political activism. The generation thus achieved a reputation as a radical, liberal, and particularly “youthful” group of people. Moreover, the collective identity of the generation is regarded as very strong. Whether this is true or not, the boomer generation is still the most affluent and powerful age group in many Western societies, even at the edge of retirement age.

As being the “first teenagers,” the baby boomers have also caused a collective rejuvenation of consumer cultures and lifestyles in most Western societies. As baby boomers entered middle age, they brought with them many of the values and tastes of their youth and reconstructed what it meant to be middle-aged in the process. Concepts such as cognitive or subjective age replaced the biological age in this rejuvenation process. In empirical studies, baby boomers express subjective feelings of being younger than their years. They generally identify themselves with younger generations and distance themselves from the older ones.

The power of the number of boomers, it has also in the context of political efforts to cope with demographic ...
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