Weekly Diary

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Weekly Diary of my Experiences in MRT Groups for Court Ordered Domestic Violence Offenders

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Weekly Diary of my Experiences in MRT Groups for Court Ordered Domestic Violence Offenders

Moral Reconation Therapy

This paper is a weekly diary comprise of my experience in MRT groups for court ordered domestic violence offenders. Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) refers to a greatly controlled approach of cognitional behavioral group employed with domestic offenders, alcoholics, drug abusers, offenders and other groups. Moral Reconation Therapy is designed to rework on offenders' thinking process and alter the way how they came to a decision what is right or what is wrong.

My Experience

This is my experience. The experience in MRT groups for court ordered domestic violence. I believed that by describing and sharing the most important issues of my life, I can better recognize these problems and ultimately diagnose issues, which stem from them. MRT therapy helped me in clarifying life goals; getting a better perspective on life; developing healthier self-esteem; increasing communication skills; repairing family relationships and troubled marriages; recovery from addictions of domestic offense, trauma; coping with chronic illness and life-threatening; and dealing with loss and grief.

Week 1

During the first week, the unique needs of mine as a domestic offender were addressed. These needs comprises of criminology attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, values and factors. In this week, my background was also scanned to evaluate whether I had adopted domestic violence from my childhood experiences or not (Eisenberg, et. al. 2005).

There are number of factors which explain why I become a domestic violence offender and start abusing my close ones, in particular. One of the factors that lead me to be a domestic offender is family background of domestic violence or I grew up in a violent family that I had witness since my childhood. On the other hand, low job satisfaction, unemployment and in early adolescent got involve in substance abuse. As I grown up in a violent family, I had developed antisocial personality disorders which results in domestic violence. I also developed an impaired ability to sense anxiety, remorse and guilt.

In my case, cultural and social influences also direct me towards domestic violence. I was brought up in a culture of man dominant society like many other societies, social and economic processes functions indirectly and directly to promote male dominated or patriarchal family structure and social disorder. Patriarchy is related with the constraint to substandard status (subordination) and women oppression. As a result, the chronological violence pattern intended for against females in close relationships. The domestic violence is frequently formalized or institutionalized in communal structures; for example, in customs and customary laws that allow husbands to bodily penalize their wives. In similar way, patriarchy makes a contribution to lower financial status for females that can make females reliant on men. This dependence increases a likelihood of women to become a victim of domestic violence or might bound an ability of victim to run away from this relationship. This male dominance in ...