Viruses, Trojans And Backdoors

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Viruses, Trojans and Backdoors

Viruses, Trojans and Backdoors

Computer Virus

The term "computer virus", probably familiar even to those who have never had a computer. If in real life, we are frightened of SARS virus, or swine flu, in the computer world we are threatened with network viruses, worms, and all kinds of Trojans (backdoors, root kits, Trojans, extortionists, blocking Windows), etc. While most computer major epidemics viruses, our media has always loved to blow about the "danger" crafts once virus writers (who creates computer viruses). As a result, the term "computer virus" has become a true scare of our time (Board, 1999).

Computer virus - is primarily a breeding program with the functions of its copies in the files of other programs. And any computer program is its author and a specific purpose, as any computer program designed for something. That's the behavior of computer virus in the system is defined primarily by its creator (virus writers). The question then arises - why is the program for the computer suddenly began to call a computer virus? The fact is that computer viruses have the ability to introduce him in the body of other programs and files on your computer to its own reproduction. The there is a direct relationship with our biological world, where human viruses can be transmitted from person to person (Geer, 2003). So, we have identified above, a mandatory attribute that has a computer virus - an ability to infect other files on your computer. Most often, a computer virus injects itself into the executable file (exe, com, bat), but there are exceptions when the virus can penetrate into documents, or even - in the files with photos. Lying in the form of an infected file on disk computer virus is not dangerous as long as it does not open or run. So do not be afraid of computer viruses in their inactive form.

The first computer viruses were created for the sole purpose of self-assertion, , the authors attempted to confirm his own capacity for creation of computer programs in this class, raising their own self-esteem in case of success. Often, no other functionality than copy itself, and sometimes the withdrawal of any comic character messages, such programs do not bear in itself. This was much to the withdrawal from the industry a large number of novice virus writers (most of which - teenagers) in all kinds of online games. Cyber ??crime has now become the lot of professionals with a view to their work making a profit (Cheswick, 2003).

The main way of reproduction of the first computer viruses were floppy disks to transfer information, much later they were replaced by CD's, after which the viruses have already begun to actively propagate through the Internet. To date, find a computer virus in the vast Internet is much more difficult than to stumble on the same Trojan (Trojan). Perhaps the main method of propagation of computer viruses today are popular removable media - USB Flash drives (flash drives) and DVD ...
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