Usage Of Banned Drugs

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Usage of Banned Drugs

Usage of Banned Drugs


Drug usage is somewhat enticing for athletes because it gives them an advantage over their competition. However, at the same time, the usage of drugs goes against the philosophy of sports. Because of drugs, athletes are able to enhance their ability to perform through artificial means; and any usage of artificial means is clearly an element that goes against the fundamentals of sports. The usage of drugs comes across as the adulteration of sports.

The usage of drugs in sports should be punishable with a ban because commonly used drugs in such scenarios are steroids and while they harm the user's health in the first place, they also go against the essential spirit of sports. Therefore, it would not be unreasonable to surmise that the usage of drugs in sports is equivalent to cheating; if not worse. As a result, it is fair to punish drug usage with a ban. It is essential to highlight at this point that drug usage has been going on for decades and while recent developments in technology have increased the grey area between usable and non-usable drugs, certain drugs are clearly used as boosters and usage of such drugs should be punished with bans. The intensity, dosage and nature of drug usage can be used as factors to determine the length for which the player/players are to be banned from the sport.


United States authorities for drug enforcement faced a major flaw imposing ban on the usage of drugs for athletes as the distribution of the banned products is conducted through four different sources and a major hand of black market. Such sort of steroids contains unknown ingredients which is highly effective for the health of the user. Steroid users in 1987 under United States Federal Power law were banned for lifting Championship to play for a national survey which resulted that seventy three percent of the athletes use drugs which is available in "black market". Since 1985 through surveys, the Department of Justice banned the distribution of steroids and FDA has observed significant changes. (Worsnop, 1991)

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