Usa History

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USA History

Throughout American annals, the U.S had fought numerous conflicts throughout time. The freezing conflict was a conflict in which America had fought chucked other nations and chucked their arsenals. America mostly utilised containment rather then contradict transformation during the freezing war. The U.S utilised many ways to keep communism from spreading, for the worry of the welfare of democracy and another conflict from taking place. America was ready to maintain the welfare of the world as two super forces appeared after World conflict II, the joined States and the Soviet Union.

After World War II numerous countries were facing depressions and other financial problems, but all through the entire world two super forces came to power the U.S and the Soviet Union. The Soviets sensed that since they were a super power that they can take benefit of nations dwindled after the conflict to elaborate their territory and spread communism, furthermore punish Germany by holding it weak and divided. America from the experiences of World conflict II wanted to boost democracy in other to avert the increase of totalitarian governments. America liked to unite Germany, believing that it would be better for the U.S to conceive new American markets for its commerce, rather then penalize them harshly. The freezing conflict began with the Yalta seminar to bring order in the end of WWII, but Stalin didn't want to discover it, Stalin's armed detachment had reached the Oder River and was ready for the final strike on Berlin, but Stalin on Feb. 3had organised Zhukov to pause while the seminar was in session. His occupation of Poland was complete, and he owned command of the biggest armed detachment in Europe, 12 million fighters in 300 divisions.

Eisenhower's 4 million men in 85 partitions were still west of the Rhine. The soviet have what it been waiting for since the communist transformation in 1917 control of Eastern Europe. The president at that time Harry Truman was a policy of containment evolves the Truman Doctrine in 1947, which was to supply economic and infantry help to free countries threatened by internal or external opponents. In Truman he said this "totalitarian regimes are nurtured by misery and desire" , meaning they want more for the misery that they had from the Second World War.

George Washington appears today a number bigger than life itself.....almost as he was when he was a well known individual in the auditoriums, homes, shops, and bars of 18th-century town Williamsburg.

On Duke of Gloucester Street, in the Raleigh Tavern's Apollo Room, or the Governor's castle flower beds, his powerful border and his pleasant attitude..his presence....drew to him the observe that wrote his location in the annals of the city, the state, and the nation.

'His skeletal parts and junctions are large, as are his hands and feet,' friend of Washington George Mercer observed in 1760. He said Washington kept 'all the sinews of his face under flawless command, though flexible and expressive of deep feeling when moved by emotion. In conversation he ...
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