Type A Personaltiy

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Type A Personality


Type A Behavior is a prevalent characteristic in some people in our culture, Those who seemed the most reactive, competitive, hard driven, impatient, Time-conscious, super motivated, verbally aggressive, arid easily angered one terms type A It is important to study type A behavior because it provides an understanding of the nature of the mind-body problem, it contributes greatly to the lowering of the national health care expenditure and individuals whose lives are affected by this characteristic need assistance, namely effective treatment A person with type A behavior is at a high risk to experience physical health diseases. Some years ago type A behavior was regarded as one of the main causes of Coronary Heart Diseases. Today, some investigators report that type A behavior pattern is not an increased risk for subsequent Coronary Heart Disease mortality. More research is needed to make this contention totally accepted the major theoretical perspectives on type A behavior have explicitly involved a person's conception or evaluation, of self-esteem and self-evaluation Recent research has revealed that type A's toxic core is negative emotions, especially anger associated with an aggressively reactive temperament.

Table of Contents


Body: Discussion and Analysis1

Free Floating Hostility2

Psychological Treatment in Type A Behavior3

Studies On Type A Personality5


Type A Personality


People with type A behavior patterns are described as those who manifest aggression that involved in a persistent, constant, great effort to accomplish more in less time. Characteristics of people with type A behavior includes fast, explosive speech, a heightened pace of living, an impatience with slowness, and pervasive, generalized hostility. They tend to concentrate on more than one activity at a time. They preoccupied with themselves and feel dissatisfied with such aspects of life as their work, their marriage and their achievements. These people also have a tendency to challenge and compete with others, even in noncompetitive situations. The mystery concerning the etiology of type A behavior and its persistence have not been fully solved. It continues to perplex scientists, mental health psychologists, counselors and other medical health professionals. Type A behavior entails physical and psychological characteristics. It is important to study the etiology of type A personality for several reasons. First, type A behavior may provide significant information that will further the understanding of the underlying nature of the mind-body problem, in particular, the link between psychopathology and psychopathology. Second, it may reveal potentially effective treatment modalities which will assist a large number of individuals who suffer from type A behavior. Approximately 69% of the people manifesting type A behavior in a study of 257 suffered heart attacks.

Body: Discussion and Analysis

The uncontrollability model defines type A as people who work hard to be successful, repress subjective states like fatigue that might interfere with task performance, exhibit rapid pacing of their activities, show little tolerance for interruption, and express hostility after stressed in their efforts at task completion in the interest of asserting control over environmental demands and requirements. The self-evaluation model defines the type A's as confronted with indecision about their ...