Translation Events

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Discuss Two Translation Events in Terms of the Translation Studies Literature

Discuss Two Translation Events in Terms of the Translation Studies Literature


Translation studies is a complex field of studying different literary and documented texts, translated from one language to another. This involves studying problems and different aspects associated with the translation of these events and their studies. This branch of social sciences and humanities, evolved for the proper understandings of the problems associated with the process of translation. It deals with analyzing the text and the translation of that text. According to André Lefevere translation studies deals with the problems of “production and description of text” (Lefevere quoted by Bassnett, 2002, p. 12). There are various issues like issues of translating correct metaphors, problem of understanding correct context during translation and different other such factors. There are also various human errors involved during the translation of a text from one language to another. Since the time of Anglo-Saxon, translation study is the main source for the production of literary material and then its production in European languages (Bassnett, 2002, p. 13).

There are a number of translations of the texts from the Greek and Italian sources; this proves that there are a number of lexical borrowings in English texts and language. Translation of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey are excellent examples. There is another important example of the translation of the Bible into various other languages. Sacred texts require more attention and care for translation. With the advancement in the field of translation studies, it involves translation of different texts which involves studying translation of various other events like translation of political speeches, the interpretation of a meeting, translation of an interview or any conference. All these involve in the translation studies, which deal with the interpretation and analysis of translation of the source language SL into target language TL.

Translation Event 1: Translation of a Sacred Text, “The Bible”

There are thousands of translations available for the Bible. This requires more attention and defined criteria for the translation of the Bible for delivering the correct message of God to the whole humanity no matter which ever language they belong. This is the reason that the role of translator is also very important in Christianity. Translation of Old and New Testaments are also available all over the world in various languages. The translation of New Testament was first made by St Jerome and then later followed by Pope Damasus in AD 384 (Bassnett, 2002, p. 53). Apart from the fact that there have always been various efforts to translate word to word it is not possible in actual circumstances. This is always associated with the problems of dealing with the difference in structure and patterns of the TL and SL . This is one of the major issues associated with the process of translation. Bassnett, identified it as the problem with the “stylistic license” and “heretical interpretation” (Bassnett, 2002, p. 53).

Issues with word to word Translation of Bible

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