Training And Development

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Training and Development

Training and Development


In today's modern world companies can find a number of approaches for training their staff. They emphasize more on training and development of their employees for better and effective performance. In contrast to the spontaneous choice of curricula and training there is a systemic training (Baechle,, 2000). The purpose of constructing a system of training is to achieve compliance with professional level employees of a real business objective of the company. One of the most important stages of building such a system is to analyze and identify training needs. In todays market conditions, the most important tool for ensuring the stability of the company and increase its competitiveness, is training staff in line with current and future requirements of its internal and external environment. The ability of employees to learn faster than the competition is reliable factor in ensuring the effective functioning of the labor markets (Noe & Peacock, 2008). Companies are conducting training and continuing education of its staff, at high level of competitiveness and success in the modern business environment. Therefore this paper aims to focus on the main issues of training and development of employees with reference to two different articles.

Overview of Articles

The first article is “Training Helps Keep, Groom Valued Employees” is written by John Anderson and Margi Prueitt. In this article the author focuses on the importance of professional development to the U.S. retail sector. It points out that professional development can help businesses minimize recruiting costs, as well as maintain job satisfaction among employees (Anderson & Prueitt, 2011). The two forms of professional development are skills development and management competency. Particular focus is given to the Produce Marketing Association's and Foundation for Industry Talent's online produce training program for store associates and managers, along with the foundation's annual scholarship program. The second important thing discuss in the article is about competence, that can helpful in defining training needs. Imagine that a company implements a draft amendment to the organizational culture to a more customer-oriented procedure (Baechle,, 2000). Internal customer orientation means recognizing the needs and wishes of customers inside and going out to meet them, showing good will and willingness to cooperate. These changing trends in culture and technology are very crucial for managers to conduct training and development of their employees (Anderson & Prueitt, 2011).

The second article is “Building a Framework for Learning” by Frank kalman. In this article the author discusses about the training and development strategy of United Parcel Services (UPS). In the final year of a five-year learning strategy, UPS has consolidated its learning systems to build a comprehensive leadership framework accessible to all employees around the globe (Kalman, 2012). The article also discusses the value of training need analysis for professional development. For the identification of training needs the organization determine the base level of knowledge and skills of the target group, and that is the best way for appraisal process of the staff. In contrast to the spontaneous choice of curricula and ...
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