Tourism Transport Organisation

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Analysis of a Tourism Transport Organisation: Simply Travel

Analysis of a tourism transport organisation: Simply Travel


This paper focuses on the travel organisation related to tourism industry and for this purpose it will explain the relationship between transport and tourism? analyse the elements of transport supply for tourist? analyse the demand for tourism travel and trends in the travel demand? examine the effects of transport expansion and innovation on global tourism trends and examine the economic? social and environment impacts of tourism transport. The main task is to analyse the effects of the macro environment on a tourism transport organisation of my choice and for this purpose I have chosen simply travel a UK based travel organisation actively working in tourism industry. The effects that this may also have on the organisation supply of and demand for transport services will be discussed in this paper. I have decided to look in the U.K market for such company because. Tourism is one of the largest industries in U.K? worth approximately 75.9 £ Billion to the U.K economy in 2002 and supporting around 2.1 million jobs. During my research on internet I found many companies offering services in the tourism of U.K but I have decided to choose “Simply Travel” Because of its variety of services offering related with the accommodation? transportation and attractions. (

Identification and analysis of the elements of the macro environment affecting the organisation

The Tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The World Travel and Tourism Council estimates that in 2008 Travel and tourism is expected to generate* US$ 5?490.4 billion of economic activity* 10.4% of total GDP* 214?697?000 jobs or 8.1% of total employment* 12.2% of total exports my task is to conduct a PEST analysis for a company within the Tourism industry. (O'Hagan? 1984? 919-931) Within the tourism industry? I have to select one area of interest like transportation? accommodation and transportation etc. and then one company doing business with these sectors related with the tourism. According to Leaper “Transportation is the only link between the tourist-generating region and destination region” So? transportation was a more interesting sector to discuss in the report but I tried to find a company which is related with all these main sub-sectors discussed above in the report. (O'Hagan? 1984? 919-931)

Service Concept Established in 1978? Simply Travel has been providing travel solutions since 26 years for the discerning travels who want more from their holiday than just a decent tan. Not through the aggressive marketing tactics? but by providing an attractive alternative to mass-market package holidays has leaded simply travel to gain a big loyalty pool among the holiday travellers. Simply Travel serves its customers with wide variety of holidays including destinations like Croatia? Greece? Italy? Morocco? Portugal? Spain and Turkey. ( Services provided by the company are intangible but still physical tool and equipments used in operations are tangible if the customer visits the companies for the ...
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