To What Extent Has Pr Played An Important Role In Establishing And Supporting The Lvmh Brand In India?

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To what extent has PR played an important role in establishing and supporting the LVMH brand in India?



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I, [name of the author], hereby declare the best of my knowledge, the entire contents of this thesis represent my real job, and that such a thesis was submitted prior to any academic research or other qualifications. In addition, he represents his own personal opinions and do not have anything to do with them at university.

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The study is important to understand to what extent PR has played an important role in establishing and supporting the LVMH brand in India. India has the fastest-developing population of millionaires in the world but for Western luxury brands performing in country, attracting piece of the market has proven more critical than realized and several are in the process of re-developing their India public relation strategies. Characterising the luxury brand is tricky as luxury is an elusive concept. Phau and Prendergast (2000) note the subjectivity of the term and the consequential difficulty in the differentiation from the ordinary. Cuts press materials - tangible evidence that appeared in the press, and although the number of rows in the stage means something, but it is necessary to analyze the cut, taking into account the type of publication, and its position among others, the circulation, and the social composition of the readers. It is not clear that all the printed read, of course, received favourably.







Research Design1

Exploratory Research2


Analysis and Interpretation of data4

Research Limitations5

Potential for luxury brands5

The complexity that is luxury7

Consumers and luxury brands8

Importance of Asian countries9

Prospects for the rich countries10

Traditions and eccentric11

Secrets of Management12

Risks to growth12

Public relations13




The purpose of this research is to understand to what extent has PR played an important role in establishing and supporting the LVMH brand in India? In this section of the report, the research methodology is outlined specifying the research approach and method that was used. The methodology for the research takes into account the knowledge obtained from the review of related academic literature, the nature of the research subject and the aim/objectives which the research wishes to achieve. The research will be carried out using an exploratory research utilizing qualitative research. The research will be carried out using an empirical research using qualitative research (Kroll, B., & Taylor, A, 2003, pp. 54).

Research Design

The Internet is considered as an important tool in obtaining relevant information needed to find a series of articles in magazines and newspapers in the database. Moreover, data from various sources, some of which will be collected online, while some are on paper. Hard data is primarily the result of a thorough analysis of the materials you find ...