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Thesis statement

The custom of tipping needs to be maintained on account of several ethical considerations. An end to this custom would deprive not only the servers but also many other people of a major part of their income.


The custom of tipping is almost everywhere. From hotels to restaurants to taxi and airport, tips are paid for the services rendered to the customers. Tipping is a thriving industry and can be termed as a multibillion dollar industry. However, globally, it may not be a widespread phenomenon as this custom is deemed illegal or insulting in many countries. While in U.S it is expected that you tip the waiter, luggage carrier or barber, in other countries such as Japan, it is considered insulting. In U.K, it is not expected, while in most of the Asian countries tipping is desirable.


Tipping comes out to be necessary on account of the good services that would surely be provided if the waiter or server anticipates a good reward at the end. This is the case when you visit the same barber shop or a restaurant for a meal. Giving out tips would help in being served hot food without having to wait long or you would end receiving a better haircut. So if you are expecting a better service on a return visit, be sure to give out a tip. The short form of TIP is commonly referred to be an abbreviation for “Tipping Insures Proper Service.” So the important question that one needs to ask is not whether the custom of tipping should be maintained or not, but it should be how much tip should be given.

The custom of tips is also necessitated on account of poor wages. Most of the waiters working in hotels and restaurants are paid hourly wages that are lower ...
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