Third Sector Leadership And Management

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Third Sector Leadership and Management


For a safety management system to be effective, it must be partnered with a strong leadership technique. This article seeks to establish a model for safety leadership that been created in light of leadership discussion within the safety community and mainstream thought on organizational leadership. Leadership realized in the process whereby one or more individuals succeed in attempting to frame and define the reality of others. Indeed, leadership situations may be conceived as those in which there exists an obligation or a perceived right on the part of certain individuals to define the reality of others.

Table Of Contents



Background Of Peterborough4


Leadership And Management Development5

What Is Third Sector Organization5

Importance Of Third Sector Organizations6

Continuers Growth And Diversification Of The Sector6

Measures Of Success Of The Third Sector Organizations6

Cost Effectiveness6


Strategic Partnership7

Management And Governmental Control7

Implications: Towards A Comprehensive Management Approach8


Third Sector Leadership and Management


Background of Peterborough

In many other American cities there are different community radio stations for the different ethnic communities present, however as these have been established longer, they have already achieved the FM licence for broadcasting that Peterborough FM aspires to. Peterborough FM therefore grew as a trading name of PACO, with the aim to include all of Peterborough's diverse communities and enabling all language groups and abilities to produce their own shows for their communities. This remains a unique attribute to Peterborough FM's approach to working with the community.

Peterborough FM is currently the only community radio station operating in the Greater Peterborough Conurbation. Peterborough FM is delivered by Peterborough African Community Organisation (PACO), which was established in November 2005 (Registered as a Charity in August 2008) and was established in response to growing numbers of African migrants settling in the area following the Home Office dispersal program. PACO's leadership fairly soon after evolving as a community organisation took part in training on community radio, which inspired them that this should be the main outlet for their self expression as a community. At the same time, PACO also became very aware of the need for community radio in the city which could offer training and support to bring diverse groups together, and therefore contribute to the growing issue of cohesion that was a developing issue (Courtney, 2007, pp. 533.).

Peterborough FM previously gained support from European Refugee Fund; however time delays in securing a match funder meant they could not secure the second year grant. Despite this, they carried on and secured support from Peterborough Community Safety Board, Lloyds TSB Foundation and then finally achieved the Reaching Communities grant which secured their future for the next 2 years.


Leadership and management often confused, but not that one reaches to make a real difference between these two realities inextricably linked. The management could be defined as the process by which it administers and coordinates effectively and efficiently resources (material, financial, human, etc.), in the effort of achieving the objectives of the organization. As for leadership, it seen as an interpersonal influence by which an individual leads another individual or group ...
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