The Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allan Poe

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The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

In his short story, "The Tell Tale Heart," Edgar Allan Poe left a positive impression with his use of literary devices. In my analysis of his story, it seems apparent that he is alluding to the study of paranoia and mental deterioration. His obsession with the old man's eye ultimately caused him to become mad. After much effort and reassurance, he eventually became calm and collected. With the utilization of irony, symbolism, and imagery, Poe is able to captivate the further heightens the atrocious act of that unfortunate night of the old man's tragic death (Merriman: 26).

The irony was that the narrator kept repeating the idea that he was not mad that somehow, he was sane. He wanted to prove his sanity by calmly taking the reader back to the events but failed when he allowed the beating of the dead heart to completely consume him and confess when he did not have to which leads to his initial point saying that he was not mad, when all evidence leads to the truth that he was mad. Another factor from the story that was ironic was his obsession for the simple thing: the old man's eye (Merriman: 27). It was not for the man's wealth, possessions, nor was there a hidden motif behind this man. It was simple, his blue eyes bothered him and he wanted to do something about it. His feelings towards the eyes were potent enough to push him to extreme levels and murder that poor man. With the use of verbal irony, the narrator empathizes with the old man, while planning to kill him. The narrator lacked explanation in his reasons behind wanting to murder. Poe also uses dramatic irony because the reader knows that the narrator killed the man but the police are all unaware of what had gone on. Poe managed to trick them into believing that he didn't kill the man. Poe provided plenty of irony throughout this story and with this; he alluded back to the idea that the narrator is in fact, insane (Tucker: 92).

Poe provides many instances of symbolism throughout the short story. First being the heart in which shows for the narrator's strong guilty conscious towards his actions. The "old mans' fear" in which was growing louder and louder was entirely his own. The more stressed out he became, the louder the heart started to beat; bringing him closer to getting caught. The man's eye is blue with a veil covering it which could possibly signify his inability to see what was right under his nose. The man in which he had trusted and adored became the death of him. Literally, the old man was unable to see clearly and this becomes a factor that would lead to his ultimate death. Poe also mentioned the watch quite a few times throughout the events, "He was still sitting up in the bed listening; just as I have done, night after night, hearkening ...
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