The Structural System Employed At The Pantheon

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The Structural System Employed at the Pantheon

The Structural System Employed at the Pantheon


Pantheon means "temple of all gods" is the only monument in the classical style remained intact in Rome. It is the highest expression of Roman architecture and construction. Pantheon is dedicated to the gods, since its dome represent the sky, but the religion that expresses it's all within a naturalistic conception of existence, since the eye center, the only source of light is the sun, which illuminates the whole the building. This light gives an intense chiaroscuro effect inside because it varies depending on the weather and clear or cloudy depending on the angle of sunlight during the day. The Pantheon was built of brick and covered with white marble. Each time the bureau was decorated with bronze stars, have now disappeared, having to symbolize the heavens. The walls were lined with brick and filled with concrete pours. The dome was covered externally with tiles of gold, because the top of the hills surrounding the temple must have looked as bright as the sun.

The research paper contains detail information about the significance of construction of Pantheon and its dome. The paper contains introduction of Pantheon and dome, discussion of the architecture and construction materials and conclusion with its importance in Roman.

The Structural System Employed at the Pantheon


The Pantheon is the Roman monument which has the best preserved, has the largest masonry dome in the history of architecture, is considered the forerunner of all modern places of worship, and was the 'works of antiquity most copied and imitated. In my paper I intend to analyze and discus the structural system which was implemented in constructing the pantheon, precisely the interior dome portion. The pantheon is located in Rome; Italy was constructed between 118 - 128 CE. The dome portion of the pantheon is what sets it apart from all other building that came before it. This dome was only made possible by innovations in concrete by the Romans, allowing them to build such a large space under one vaulted dome roof (Petroski, p. 111-115).

The pantheon is considered to be the best preserved and influential building in ancient Rome and its most fascinating features consist of its architecture itself. The point at which it stands is not random but is a legendary place in the history of the city. According to Roman legend, in fact, this was the place where the founder of Rome, Romulus, his death was seized by an eagle and carried up into heaven among the gods. Some will consider it the crowning achievement of roman architecture. In this section I will examine the exact method used in constructing the pantheon dome portion. One significant feature of the dome is that the inside under the dome is a grand space which is not obstructed with any forms of columns. I will also mention some of the significance in construction materials, and methods used in this portion of the pantheon which made bearing the weight of this immense ...