The Story Of An Hour

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The Story of an Hour


Life is beautiful! In order to increase the beauty of the life people indulge in different habits and hobbies. One such hobby is to read books. In life and during the academic period we read books that lean an everlasting impact on us or teach us different lesson. In order to extract a lesson out of a story or a book it is significant that we should evaluate different facets of the story. The aim and objective of this essay is also to talk about a story of Kate Chopin “The Story of An Hour”. The following part of the essay discusses variegated aspects of the paper.


The story of an hour is written by Kate Chopin. It is a different story. The story presents variegated concepts of feminism. The themes of the story and various other facets are discussed below:

The Précis of the Story

The story is about a woman who goes through major and drastic changes of emotions and feelings within an hour. The story conveys a notion and an idea in an unconventional way. The story is about a woman Mrs. Mallard who is a patient of heart problem. When the family members get the news that Mr. Mallard has died in an accident then they make an attempt to give this news to Mrs. Mallard in a subtle way so that this news does not destroy her. When Mrs. Mallard came to know about the death of her husband she cried and then went to her room. In her room, she begins to think of her future without her husband and she begins to realize that her future is going to be free and independent. As the family members were worried about her because she was alone so her sister Josephine was keeping a check on her to know if she is fine. After a while Josephine and Mrs. Mallard come downstairs to be with rest of the family at that time Mrs. Mallard sees her husband alive. As soon as she sees her husband alive all her dreams and thoughts about living a life with independence begins to vanish. This is so shocking for Mrs. Mallard that she dies right there as a result if this shock (Elizabeth, pp. 29).

Characters of the Story

Characters are considered as the lifeblood of a story. It is the power of the character that makes this story “the story of an hour” more powerful and bring life in the story. Following are the main characters of the story:

Mrs. Louis Mallard

Mrs. Louis Mallard is the main character and the most powerful character of the story. She is portrayed as the protagonist. With regard to the physical description of the character the writer mentions this lady as the fair and young woman. Nature wise she is shown as a woman who is liberal and pays more emphasis and importance on the liberation, freedom and independence. In order to describe the character of Mrs. Louis Mallard the author ...
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