The Reluctant Workers

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The Reluctant Workers

The Reluctant Workers

The management of dealing with projects within the given time frame, with appropriate planned cost, and performance seems easy to say than getting it done. The environment of the project management can turn out very brutal and is comprised of a number of meetings, reports, resolution of conflicts, communication and planning and the crisis management (Trotter Chris, 2006). This essay will briefly discusses about the case study which is about the reluctant workers and further covers the core skills which were being considered in the play with the scenario along with a thorough analysis of skills and the effectiveness of the project manager's skills. Moreover, the essay will be discussing about the support that is being provided to the project managers and along with the recommendations for the project manager and his executives.

Analysis of Core Skills, Execution, and Effectiveness

After thorough analysis, the author would have found few of the inconsistencies in the ways the project manager was dealing his team. Firstly, one of the major responsibilities of the project manager is using of team's skills. Team building involves a complete range of the management skills that are required to identify, conduct and then integrate a range of task groups from the organization following traditional functions to the single program management system. Motivation is considered as a personal choice and Mr. Aston must need to understand that he could not decide any decision for them (Heideman, 1967). Three big considerations involved in building a team are; effective communication, genuine interest for team member's growth along with commitment of the project (Kezner, 2009, p. 149).

Second, managers' leadership skills must be able to lead his team. Since, Mr. Aston has taken his position 3 months ago, they most important factor that is to be considered that either he lacks the skills of dealing with the support from the team or he could involve personal values and conflicts of the team (Trotter Chris, 2006). This is only possible when there arise some change in the management or where the new managers would get sense of values from the older experienced managers (Kezner, 2009, p.228). From these factors it is concluded that Mr. Aston lacks the credibility and experience with his company and the team, which has perpetuated his ineffective leadership style.

Finally, other major responsibility for Mr. Aston as project manager is resolving the conflict with using the resolution skills of ...
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