The Influence Of Physical Abuse In Childhood On Substance Abuse

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The Influence of Physical Abuse in Childhood on Substance Abuse

The Influence of Physical Abuse in Childhood on Substance Abuse


The child abuse is a universal problem that has existed since ancient times, however it is in the twentieth century with the declaration of the rights of children (UNO 1959) considered as a crime and an issue of profound psychological social, ethical, legal and medical. American Research places the beginning of global awareness when researchers like Kempe, Silverman, Steele, and others, in 1962 labeled and called it shaken baby syndrome.

There is no single definition of child abuse, or a clear and precise definition of their expressions. However, the most accepted definition is as all actions that go against adequate physical, cognitive and emotional, committed by individuals, institutions or society itself. This implies the existence of physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse or sexual abuse. This definition is consistent with that in the psychiatric manual DSM-IV. The Council of Europe in 1978 identifies them as "acts and shortcomings which are seriously undermining the child, attack the person's bodily integrity, the child's physical, emotional, intellectual and moral development, whose manifestations are neglect and / or injury to physical and / or psychological and / or sexual violence by a family member or others who have care of the child.

The National Center of Child Abuse and Neglect (1981), defines it as "a situation in which, through intentional acts or serious carelessness towards the basic needs of the child, the behavior of a parent (or a substitute, or another adult who looks after him) has caused damage or impairments that could have been foreseen or avoided, or materially contributed to the continuation or worsening of an injury or an impairment exists (NAIC, 2003)."

The definition formulated by the WHO in 1999 reads: "For child maltreatment means all forms of physical and emotional ill treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or neglectful treatment, commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual injury or potential health of the child, its survival, its development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. " This latter definition has the advantage of overcoming the theme of intentionality or less of the active behaviors or omission-include all the violence that can arise in contexts outside the family, something to keep in mind to pay attention to the risks involved in the community and in social reality.

The majority of cases of violence and abuse, as all researchers agree state, occur within the family precisely this connotation often confines them in secrecy and silence (Live Strong, 2012).


Physical abuse

This type of abuse encompasses a number of acts committed using physical forces so inappropriate and excessive. That is, the set of actions is not caused by accidental adults (parents, guardians, teachers, etc.), which originate in the child physical injury or illness manifests. This includes bumps, scratches, cracks, punctures, burns, bites, shaking, etc.

Sexual abuse

It is one of the types of abuse that involves greater difficulties to study. Consists of those sex that keeps a child or a child (under 18 years) with an adult or older ...
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