The Influence Of Adverse Childhood Experiences On Adult Aggressive Behavior

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The Influence of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Adult Aggressive Behavior


[Date Year]


First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for my research coordinator, for his understanding, propositions, patience, and remarks. It would also give me great pleasure to show my gratitude to my peers, colleagues, and family whose huge and steady support has been a cause of constant inspiration and guidance. I would also like to be grateful to the Department, managers of the university, instructors and students who have supported me throughout this research.


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Major Sections of the Chapter2

Literature Search Strategy3

List of Databases Used3


List of Keywords & Search Terms Used4

Scope of Literature Review4

Theoretical Foundation5

Ecological Systems Theory5

1. The Microsystem5

2. The Mesosystem6

3. The Exosystem6

4. The Macrosystem7

5. The Chronosystem7

Origin/ Source of the Theory8

Evaluating Ecological Theory9

Criticisms of Ecological Theory9

Relationship between Ecological Theory and our Study10

Rationale for Choosing the Ecological Systems Theory11

Theoretical Propositions of Other Theorists12

Comparison of Ecological Systems Theory with Other Studies13

Conceptual Framework13

Adverse Childhood Experiences13

History & Prevalence14

Gender Differences15

Prevalence of Aggressive Behaviors in Men & Women16

Statistics on Child Abuse17

Immediate Family Environment and Abuse18

Literature Review Related to Key Concepts and Other Theorists19

Methodology Consistent with the Scope of my Study20

Rationale for Selection of Variables or Concepts21

Importance of Studying Adult Aggressive Behavior21

Juvenile Delinquency & Adult Criminality due to ACEs21

Substance Abuse22


Summary & Conclusion24

Existing Gaps in Current Literature27




The relationship between adverse childhood experiences and aggressive behavior in adolescence has long been a subject of controversy (Fellitti, 2002). The relationship between the two variables is quite established. A vast number of researches have been conducted on the subject. The subject has been quite intriguing for medical practitioners, developmental psychologists and social scientists etc (Prigerson et. al, 2011). The issues are discussed quite frequently in modern literature.


Adolescent violence is a major issue in contemporary societies. The consequences of adolescent violence could have long term effects on the lives of people. Occurrence of adolescence violence has a direct impact on familial prosperity and costs lives and money. It disrupts communities and hinders the effective functioning of a family. According to Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (2009), more than 59.4% adults in United States have had at least one ACE (CDC, 2009). There exists a definite relationship between ACEs and adolescent violence primarily because ACEs lead to higher aggression in adolescents. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (2007), in 2005, about 14% students in grades 9 ...
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