The Incorporation Of Ethics And Accountability In The Evaluation Process

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The Incorporation of Ethics and Accountability in the Evaluation Process

The Incorporation of Ethics and Accountability in the Evaluation Process

The efficient and effective operation of the institutions of state, exercise ethics in public administration strengthening the values ??that give sustainable democracy to achieve full respect for differences of any kind and the right of everyone to choose their way of life, are pillars for the consolidation of a democratic system. In this sense, the result of public demand for accurate, reliable and verifiable public administration, the promotion of a culture that is transparent and accountable in governance.

Moreover, in the field of social relationships, the persistence of various forms of discrimination becomes food for thought and reason search for concrete actions to counter these practices without certainly undermine democratic coexistence. That is why in this Seventh National Essay Contest "Francisco I. Madero ", the Federal Electoral Institute convened citizen participation with the theme "Culture of transparency and accountability in the management public "for the essay category, and" Challenges for a democratic society: tolerance and non-discrimination "for the mode of thinking and testimonies.

In the essay category the winner is "The light in search of the crystal. Toward transparency and accountability in Mexico "by Eduardo Guerrero Gutierrez, It addresses the issue of the culture of transparency and accountability of accounts in Mexico and its progress over the past nine years through three areas: the strengthening of internal control of each three federal branches, activation of checks and balances, and progress in citizen's ability to access the information generated by the government. In this sense, the author proposes the strengthening of the Audit Superior of the Federation to do its job effectively and control financial management of the Powers of the Union, discusses various aspects of Federal Law of Transparency and Access to Public Government Information, and asserts that there is a real balance of power that is necessary to build a system of accountability through mutual monitoring.

Eduardo Guerrero Gutiérrez

In analyzing this second approach to transparency and accountability accounts, I note the scope and limitations of internal control or self-control of Power Executive to move towards a true balance between powers in Mexico, and I defend the thesis that external controls that are exposed to the Executive are still fragile and insufficient. Hence, the argument goes, the ASF should be strengthened to effectively comply with the control functions corrective for which it is responsible.

Finally, corresponding to the third aspect, briefly highlighted the effects it will have on our culture of transparency and accountability public management accounts the new Federal Law of Transparency and Access to Public Government Information. Some of the advances that have been federally registered are playing now on the scope of the state governments: four states already have laws transparency and access to information, and other bills with the same intention to wait their turn to be approved in six states. Similarly, several state legislatures now have a higher body control technical autonomy and management. In addition, this paper I review analytically some aspects of the ...
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