The Historic Development Of Mri

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The Historic Development of MRI

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The Historic Development of MRI


The purpose of the magnetic resonance (MR) is to trace the atomic spin. This spin mainly occurs in the electrons of atoms. However, the nuclei of atoms also have spins or the spin momentum. This is the field of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). These capture the spins of the nuclei. These spins occur in nearly all the elements on the periodic table. All the various elements have at least one isotope that exhibits this nuclear spin and angular momentum (Brown and Semelka, 2010).

The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the method whereby the movements in the nuclei spins are detected. In this way, the physicians are able to identify the affected parts in the brains of those who have been affected by a stroke. This is the neuroimaging technology. However, these can also be used to identify fractures and problems in the spine, joints and in the bones. It can also identify the ruptures in disks, ligaments, as well as detect tumors.

The latest development of MRI is the functional MRI (fMRI). This neuroimaging technology is able to detect the movements of fluids and different chemical compounds in various parts of the brain. Consequently, the physicians are able to correct such problems as the schizophrenia and other mental disorders and problems (NAS, 2009).

The Development of MRI

The development of the MRI took place when first, in 1969, Raymond Damadian, based in Brooklyn, New York, first applied the MRI for body scanning. He surgically removed the cancer tumors that have been implanted in lab rats. He used the NMR on these rats and found that the tumor was readily distinguishable from the normal tissues. He then published his research and finding in the Science Journal in 1971.

The next milestone in the development of ...