The Effect Of Multiculturalism In Modern Day Britain

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The Effect of Multiculturalism in Modern Day Britain

The Effect of Multiculturalism in Modern Day Britain


The notion of multiculturalism arises from the conjunction of two terms: multiple and culture, the word multiple means many different elements together, and the word culture can have several meanings: first, the culture is an element of social context that shapes our personality and influence about our identity. Secondly we must also emphasize that culture is a human product, social and therefore constantly changing for this man's actions.

Main Components of Culture

Material culture: this consists of all tangible items related to a certain culture may be the way they dress, religious symbols (the Muslim veil, the Christian crucifix), art and literature.

Intangible culture: are the set of values, beliefs, thinking of acting, marriage customs (polygamy, monogamy) religion, how to use the time etc.

Multiculturalism in Britain

The representation of British society as a collection of communities, where individuals were able to identify and thereby be achieved, seemed dominant at least since the 1960s. Certainly, the notion of citizenship has already existed in the Kingdom, but it was defined, since the nineteenth century, by the inclusion of an activity or enlightened bourgeois aristocrat who participated in the life of their community or region. It was often seen as an activity of privileged people, this middle class that can not be defined as middle class of a democratic state, but the upper class as active. For others, participation in the life of the country passed through clubs, such as workers' clubs.

This mediation of civil life by organized groups has been extended to immigrants who arrived in 1948. It has been said that it was for the British government to reproduce in a metropolitan population management model developed in the Empire: colonial administrators spent by local leaders, some of which were granted considerable privileges. This method is quite different from that of direct implementation by the French in their colonies. This multiculturalism is seen as the only way to enable the development of the individual that went very far; there are prayer rooms in the English public schools and is tolerated as foreign pupils are sent for several months in their country of origin, the name of maintaining their tradition.

In March 2000, Prime Minister Tony Blair declared that:

“This nation has been formed by a particularly rich complex of experiences: successive waves of invasion and immigration and trading partnerships, a potent mix of ...
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