The Changing Role Of Computer Technology In Teaching Social Or Life Skills In Rural Elementary Schools

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The Changing Role of Computer Technology in Teaching Social or Life Skills in Rural Elementary Schools


The concept of the changing role of the computer studies and information technology has been discussed with respect to the teaching style and methodologies in the urban elementary school. It has a significant impact on the social and the personal life of an individual. This paper will discuss the changes which computer technology has imposed and the development of the skills which are the result of it. Furthermore, the information technology and the skills which an individual possess in this field has a significant impact on the economy of the world. This essay conducts the quantitative research about the use of computer technology in teaching and the skills of the children. Although, it is a growing field but it might take a long time before it catches up to education provided in a physical setting. The elementary school student is too young to understand what is good and bad for them. Elementary school student needs the full attention of the instructor or teacher, because they mostly communicate through their actions. Hence, research concludes that for the elementary school students, physical teaching is far more authentic and effective then the online studies.

Table of Contents



Outline of the Study1

Background of the Study2

About the Study5

Importance and Significance of the research6

Research Aim & Objectives6

Problem Statement7

Type of Research7

Research Questions8


Null Hypothesis8

Benefits of the Study9

Ethical Considerations9

Structure of the Research10

Operational Definitions10



The Significant Need of Advancing the Educational System In Rural Areas14

Computer and Information Technology in the Rural Schools16

Development of Social and Life Skills through Computer Technology17

Situation of Rural Elementary Schools in Texas18

Role of Computer Technology in Rural Elementary Schools in Texas20


Research Design22

Data Collection Method22

Description of the Target Population23

The Sample of Participants23

Sampling Procedure23

Description of the Instruments24

Statistical Techniques24

Literature Search24

Using Primary and Secondary Data for Research24

Type of Research Method25

Assumptions of Quantitative Research25

Advantages and Disadvantages26

Ethical Consideration27

Summary of Research Procedure27

References 28


Outline of the Study

In today's world and the societies, where most of the work is computer based and the advancement is dependent on the information technology, school work cannot resist the change forever. Computer technology and electronic network have slowly been taking over the schools. In such developing world, where the humanity and their future is based on the computers, it is not possible for the mankind to resist the usage and restrict the system in the closets or even to leave them idle for a span of time. Hence, for both student and the teachers, authenticity has been maintained for the usage of this technology; for students, technology represents the future (Hightower, 2010).

When a technology and its use prevalent throughout the nations and the countries, its ramifications spread right through the society and that includes education. Similarly, the use of computer and the electronic network are likely to have significant impact on the learning, and it affects in teaching social or life skills in urban elementary school. As the use of computers and ...
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