Terrorist Organization

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Terrorist Organization

Terrorist Organization


Al - Qaeda is an Islamic terrorist Islamist Sony Global, set up by the terrorist Palestinians Abdullah Azzam on 1988 , and worked under the leadership and funding of the terrorist, the Saudi Osama bin Laden to the assassination in Operation Neptune Spear at 2011 . Organization committed suicide and destructive terrorist attacks brought death and injury of thousands of people around the world and especially in the United States, led by the September 11 attacks on the Twin Towers. It is considered a terrorist organization, the sophisticated and ruthless, even intentionally harms children, women and old people, without distinction, as well as sacred sites of different religions. As of 2009, al Qaeda is active mainly in the confrontation scenes In countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Jordan, are the authorities against the organization and its activists. June 2011 the terrorist headed Egyptian Ayman al - Zawahiri. (Riedel, 2008)


Originally, the organization continues to expand the resistance movement operating in the struggle against the occupation of the Soviet in Afghanistan resistance movement worldwide. The organization's goal is to impose radical Islamic worldview on all religions, including moderate Islam, creating a front for Jihad against Jews. The West's Christian culture, overthrow the present regimes in Islamic countries, that are perceived as heretics and corrupt, to remove the effect. These western countries and the West support secular Muslim regimes, undermine the U.S. position in the world, and impose the religion of Islam as a religion exclusively. (Rabasa, 2010)

History of Al-Qaeda

The original core of Al - Qaeda in Afghanistan is primarily from Egypt - men of Ayman al - Zwahari. The organization does not operate within a clear hierarchy, but a confederation of terrorist organizations, execute the ideology and tactics of the organization, while bin Laden provided inspiration and guidance for making terrorism. The organization provides assistance and supports various aspects of terrorist organizations advocate global jihad around the world.

Area and Operations of the Organization

One of the goals of the organization's significance is to drive a wedge between the United States to Saudi Arabia to demonstrate you can see that bin Laden personally selected the most disaster hazards Saudi twins necessarily of his group, although the original gang for the attack was different, because of his desire to discredit the Saudis to Americans. The organization overall strategic goal is to drag the United States into the war on Islamic land, to rebuild the entire Islamic world against it. United States had several opportunities to take over the organization's leader or eliminate it before the disaster twins, under President Clinton, but opportunities are not exhausted, for various reasons, including the circumstances of legal experience to avoid injuring innocent civilians, and an attempt to avoid hitting the top UAE stationed at hunting in another case.

Up to the war in Afghanistan that toppled the regime of Taliban, the main basis of this terrorist organization was in Afghanistan, where members of the organization were trained in various training camps. During and after the war, ...
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