Teach Your Child To Read 100 Easy Lessons

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Teach Your Child to Read 100 Easy Lessons

Teach Your Child to Read 100 Easy Lessons


The mankind always strives for learning from the beginning of their life to the end of the life. The children who are the future of the world are supposed to be equipped with most effective knowledge so that they can perform better in their life. The learning process does not mean the efforts that a learners puts in order to learn any new knowledge but it is comprises of the efforts of instructors and the presentation of learning material. In the case of children's learning, the role of teachers and parents is very crucial because the child is not able to decide what he or she should do or to assess the benefits of studies (Blank, 2006, pp. 13).

This paper will cover the effects of “Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons” on children. The parents used to teach this book to their children at pre-school level. This phonics based reading program is based on the Direct Instructional method developed from a great deal of research. It deals with the formation of letter to represent the various sounds which is known as “Orthography”. The paper will also highlight that how book help the children in initial classes (Curtis, 2002, pp 80).


Thesis Statement

Does this book provide impetus to children to excel in preliminary classes?

Research Sampling

The sample of this paper was consisting of 100 children in which there were 50 boys and 50 girls. The sample was divided into two groups on the basis of the children who have read the “Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons” at preschool level and second group who has no exposure of this book or any other related book.

Research Methodology

The research methodology used in this paper is qualitative and quantitative. The children were interviewed and observed.


The results of the research were very clear and easy to understand. It was observed during the interviews that the children who were exposed to such books at their home or schools are very sharp and have high intellectual level. It was observed that the children with exposure of such books can easily understand the questions during interview. This is because they have clear understanding of the sound of the words. The children who were not exposed to such books were very shy and taking time in understanding the questions. It was seen that these children did not understand the question because they were not familiar with the true ancient of the words (Engelmann, Bruner & Haddox, 1986, pp. 5).

The fluency level of those children was considerably weak as compared to the children who have read such books at their home. The issue was not only with the fluency but also the comprehension level was also little low because these children did not read the required books (Gentry, 2010, pp. 37).

When both the groups were asked to read certain words then the difference among the recognition of ...
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